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(bulk-create-doc conn docs opts)
(bulk-create-doc conn docs opts max-size)

Inputs: ([conn :- ESConn docs :- [s/Any] opts :- CRUDOptions] [conn :- ESConn docs :- [s/Any] opts :- CRUDOptions max-size :- (s/maybe s/Int)])

create multiple documents on ES and return the created documents

Inputs: ([conn :- ESConn docs :- [s/Any] opts :- CRUDOptions] [conn :- ESConn docs :- [s/Any] opts :- CRUDOptions max-size :- (s/maybe s/Int)])

create multiple documents on ES and return the created documents
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(bulk-index documents)

generates the content for a bulk insert operation

generates the content for a bulk insert operation
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(bulk-uri uri)

make an uri for bulk action

make an uri for bulk action
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(byte-size s)

Count the size of the given string in bytes.

Count the size of the given string in bytes.
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(count-docs es-conn index-name)
(count-docs {:keys [uri cm]} index-name query)

Inputs: ([{:keys [uri cm]} :- ESConn index-name :- s/Str query :- (s/maybe ESQuery)] [es-conn :- ESConn index-name :- s/Str])

Count documents on ES matching given query.

Inputs: ([{:keys [uri cm]} :- ESConn index-name :- s/Str query :- (s/maybe ESQuery)] [es-conn :- ESConn index-name :- s/Str])

Count documents on ES matching given query.
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(count-uri uri index-name)

make an uri for search action

make an uri for search action
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(create-doc es-conn index-name doc opts)

Inputs: [es-conn :- ESConn index-name :- s/Str doc :- s/Any opts :- CRUDOptions]

create a document on es return the created document

Inputs: [es-conn :- ESConn index-name :- s/Str doc :- s/Any opts :- CRUDOptions]

create a document on es return the created document
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(delete-by-query {:keys [uri cm]} index-names q opts)

Inputs: [{:keys [uri cm]} :- ESConn index-names :- [s/Str] q :- ESQuery opts :- CRUDOptions]

delete all documents that match a query in an index

Inputs: [{:keys [uri cm]} :- ESConn index-names :- [s/Str] q :- ESQuery opts :- CRUDOptions]

delete all documents that match a query in an index
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(delete-by-query-uri uri index-names)

Inputs: [uri index-names]

Inputs: [uri index-names]
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(delete-doc {:keys [uri cm]} index-name id opts)

Inputs: [{:keys [uri cm]} :- ESConn index-name :- s/Str id :- s/Str opts :- CRUDOptions]

delete a document on es, returns boolean

Inputs: [{:keys [uri cm]} :- ESConn index-name :- s/Str id :- s/Str opts :- CRUDOptions]

delete a document on es, returns boolean
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make an uri for doc deletion

make an uri for doc deletion
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(generate-search-params query aggs params)


(get-doc {:keys [uri cm]} index-name id opts)

Inputs: [{:keys [uri cm]} :- ESConn index-name :- s/Str id opts :- CRUDOptions]

get a document on es and return only the source

Inputs: [{:keys [uri cm]} :- ESConn index-name :- s/Str id opts :- CRUDOptions]

get a document on es and return only the source
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make an uri for doc retrieval

make an uri for doc retrieval
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(index-doc es-conn index-name doc)
(index-doc es-conn index-name doc opts)

Inputs: ([es-conn :- ESConn index-name :- s/Str doc :- s/Any opts :- CRUDOptions] [es-conn index-name doc])

index a document on es return the indexed document

Inputs: ([es-conn :- ESConn index-name :- s/Str doc :- s/Any opts :- CRUDOptions] [es-conn index-name doc])

index a document on es return the indexed document
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(index-doc-internal {:keys [uri cm]}
                    {:keys [mk-id] :or {mk-id :id} :as opts})

Inputs: [{:keys [uri cm]} :- ESConn index-name :- s/Str doc :- s/Any {:keys [mk-id], :or {mk-id :id}, :as opts} :- CRUDOptions]

Inputs: [{:keys [uri cm]} :- ESConn index-name :- s/Str doc :- s/Any {:keys [mk-id], :or {mk-id :id}, :as opts} :- CRUDOptions]
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(index-doc-uri uri index-name id)

make an uri for document index

make an uri for document index
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(index-operation doc)

helper to prepare a bulk insert operation

helper to prepare a bulk insert operation
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(params->pagination {:keys [sort_by sort_order offset limit search_after]
                     :or {sort_order :asc limit pagination/default-limit}})


(partition-json-ops json-ops max-size)

Return a lazy sequence of lists of ops whose size is less than max-size. If a json-op exceeds the max size, it is included in a list of one element.

Return a lazy sequence of lists of ops whose size is less than max-size.
If a json-op exceeds the max size, it is included in a list of one element.
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(query es-conn index-name q params)
(query {:keys [uri cm]} index-name q aggs {:keys [full-hits?] :as params})

Inputs: ([{:keys [uri cm]} :- ESConn index-name :- (s/maybe s/Str) q :- (s/maybe ESQuery) aggs :- (s/maybe ESAggs) {:keys [full-hits?], :as params} :- s/Any] [es-conn index-name q params])

Search for documents on ES using any query. Performs aggregations when specified.

Inputs: ([{:keys [uri cm]} :- ESConn index-name :- (s/maybe s/Str) q :- (s/maybe ESQuery) aggs :- (s/maybe ESAggs) {:keys [full-hits?], :as params} :- s/Any] [es-conn index-name q params])

Search for documents on ES using any query. Performs aggregations when specified.
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(search-docs es-conn index-name es-query all-of params)

Inputs: [es-conn :- ESConn index-name :- (s/maybe s/Str) es-query :- (s/maybe ESQuery) all-of :- (s/maybe #:s{Any s/Any}) params :- s/Any]

Search for documents on ES using a query string search. Also applies a filter map, converting the values in the all-of into must match terms.

Inputs: [es-conn :- ESConn index-name :- (s/maybe s/Str) es-query :- (s/maybe ESQuery) all-of :- (s/maybe #:s{Any s/Any}) params :- s/Any]

Search for documents on ES using a query string search.  Also applies a filter map, converting
 the values in the all-of into must match terms.
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(search-uri uri index-name)

make an uri for search action

make an uri for search action
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(sort-params sort_by sort_order)


(update-doc {:keys [uri cm]} index-name id doc opts)

Inputs: [{:keys [uri cm]} :- ESConn index-name :- s/Str id :- s/Str doc :- s/Any opts :- CRUDOptions]

update a document on es return the updated document

Inputs: [{:keys [uri cm]} :- ESConn index-name :- s/Str id :- s/Str doc :- s/Any opts :- CRUDOptions]

update a document on es return the updated document
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(update-doc-uri uri index-name id)

make an uri for document update

make an uri for document update
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