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A Clojure library used by CTIM to define data types, to annotate them with domain specific information, and to generate artifacts such as schemas, documentation, validators, etc.

OCSF Schemas

flanders.ocsf creates flanders schemas from OCSF schemas.

Use flanders.ocsf/->flanders to translate an OCSF schema to flanders. The OCSF schemas are in an internal format returned by urls like

You can export OCSF schemas in bulk at This repository depends on ocsf-schema-export which provides bulk OCSF schemas exports for each major OCSF version.

Please add the following library to your classpath (already a dev dep in flanders):

[io.github.threatgrid/ocsf-schema-export "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"]

These files are now available on the classpath:


Once you choose your version, they can be converted in bulk to flanders using flanders.ocsf/parse-exported-schemas.

(require '[flanders.ocsf :as ocsf]
         '[cheshire.core :as json]
         '[ :as io])

(def ocsf-1-3-0-export-json
  (-> "threatgrid/ocsf-1.3.0-export.json" io/resource slurp json/decode))

(def ocsf-1-3-0-schemas
  (ocsf/parse-exported-schemas ocsf-1-3-0-export-json))

The result ocsf-1-3-0-schemas will have the vals of the "objects" and "classes" maps to converted to flanders schemas (and also the "base-event" field).

(-> ocsf-1-3-0-schemas
    (select-keys ["base_event" "objects" "classes"])
    (update "base_event" class)
    (update "objects" update-vals class)
    (update "classes" update-vals class)
;=> {"base_event" flanders.types.MapType,
;    "objects"
;    {"kill_chain_phase" flanders.types.MapType,
;     "sub_technique" flanders.types.MapType,
;     "table" flanders.types.MapType,
;     ...},
;    "classes"
;    {"win/registry_key_query" flanders.types.MapType,
;     "datastore_activity" flanders.types.MapType,
;     "event_log" flanders.types.MapType,
;     ...}}

From there, you can convert them to other formats such as malli or schema:

;; Plumatic Schema

(require '[schema.core :as s]

(s/defschema OCSFAuthorizationSchema
  (flanders.schema/->schema (get-in ocsf-1-3-0-schemas ["objects" "authorization"])))

(s/explain OCSFAuthorizationSchema)
;=> {(optional-key :decision) Str, (optional-key :policy) {Any Any}}

(meta OCSFAuthorizationSchema)
;=> {:json-schema {:example {:decision "string", :policy {"anything" "anything"}},
;    :description "The Authorization Result object provides details about the authorization outcome and associated policies related to activity."},
;    :name OCSFAuthorizationSchema, :ns user}

;; malli

(require '[malli.core :as m]

(def OCSFAuthorizationMalli
  (flanders.malli/->malli (get-in ocsf-1-3-0-schemas ["objects" "authorization"])))

(m/form OCSFAuthorizationMalli)
;=> [:map
;    {:closed true,
;     :json-schema/example
;     {:decision "string", :policy {"anything" "anything"}},
;     :json-schema/description
;     "The Authorization Result object provides details about the authorization outcome and associated policies related to activity."}
;    [:decision
;     {:json-schema/example "string",
;      :optional true,
;      :json-schema/description
;      "Authorization Result/outcome, e.g. allowed, denied."}
;     [:string {:json-schema/example "string"}]]
;    [:policy
;     {:json-schema/example {"anything" "anything"},
;      :optional true,
;      :json-schema/description
;      "Details about the Identity/Access management policies that are applicable."}
;     [:map
;      {:closed true, :json-schema/example {"anything" "anything"}}
;      [:malli.core/default
;       {:json-schema/example "anything"}
;       [:map-of :any [:any {:json-schema/example "anything"}]]]]]]

You can also just convert the schemas you need directly from the OCSF schema instead of via the bulk export:

;; schema
(s/defschema OCSFAuthorization
  (flanders.schema/->schema (ocsf/->flanders (get-in ocsf-1-3-0-export ["objects" "authorization"]))))

;; malli
(def OCSFAuthorization
  (flanders.malli/->malli (ocsf/->flanders (get-in ocsf-1-3-0-export ["objects" "authorization"]))))


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Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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