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(authenticated? request)

Inputs: [request :- RingRequest] Returns: s/Bool

Inputs: [request :- RingRequest]
Returns: s/Bool
sourceraw docstring


Authorize all request even with no Auth header.

Authorize all request even with no Auth header.
sourceraw docstring


(check-jwt-expiry {:keys [jwt-max-lifetime-in-sec current-epoch

Inputs: [{:keys [jwt-max-lifetime-in-sec current-epoch default-allowed-clock-skew-in-seconds]} :- Config jwt :- JWTClaims] Returns: (result-of s/Keyword)

Return a result with some error if the JWT do not respect time-related restrictions.

Inputs: [{:keys [jwt-max-lifetime-in-sec current-epoch default-allowed-clock-skew-in-seconds]} :- Config jwt :- JWTClaims]
Returns: (result-of s/Keyword)

Return a result with some error if the JWT do not respect time-related restrictions.
sourceraw docstring


(decode token pubkey-fn pubkey-fn-arg-fn)

Inputs: [token :- s/Str pubkey-fn :- (s/=> s/Any) pubkey-fn-arg-fn :- (s/=> s/Any)] Returns: (result-of {:jwt JWTDecoded})

Given a JWT return an Auth hash-map

Inputs: [token :- s/Str pubkey-fn :- (s/=> s/Any) pubkey-fn-arg-fn :- (s/=> s/Any)]
Returns: (result-of {:jwt JWTDecoded})

Given a JWT return an Auth hash-map
sourceraw docstring


(forbid-no-jwt-header-strategy _handler)

Forbid all request with no Auth header

Forbid all request with no Auth header
sourceraw docstring


(get-jwt req)

Inputs: [req] Returns: (result-of s/Str)

get the JWT from a ring request

Inputs: [req]
Returns: (result-of s/Str)

get the JWT from a ring request
sourceraw docstring


(hr-duration t)

Inputs: [t :- s/Num] Returns: s/Str

Given a duration in ms, return a human readable string

Inputs: [t :- s/Num]
Returns: s/Str

Given a duration in ms,
 return a human readable string
sourceraw docstring


(mk-wrap-authentication user-config)

Inputs: [user-config :- UserConfig]

A function building a middleware that will add some fields to the ring request:

  • :jwt that will contain the jwt claims
  • :identity that will contain an object derived from the JWT claims
  • :jwt-error if something went wrong

To build the middleware the configuration is a map with the following fields:

  • pubkey-path ; should contain a path to the public key to be used to verify JWT signature
  • pubkey-fn ; should contain a function that once called will return the public key
  • pubkey-fn-arg-fn ; should contain a function that will be called to modify the argument (the raw JWT) of pubkey-fn
  • is-revoked-fn ; should be a function that takes a decoded jwt and return a non nil value if the jwt is revoked
  • jwt-check-fn ; should be a function taking a raw JWT string, and a decoded JWT and returns a list of errors or nil if no error is found.
  • jwt-max-lifetime-in-sec ; maximal lifetime of a JWT in seconds (takes priority over :exp)
  • post-jwt-format-fn ; a function taking a JWT and returning a data structure representing the identity of a user
Inputs: [user-config :- UserConfig]

A function building a middleware that will add some fields to the ring request:

- :jwt that will contain the jwt claims
- :identity that will contain an object derived from the JWT claims
- :jwt-error if something went wrong

To build the middleware the configuration is a map with the following fields:

- pubkey-path ; should contain a path to the public key to be used to verify JWT signature
- pubkey-fn ; should contain a function that once called will return the public key
- pubkey-fn-arg-fn ; should contain a function that will be called to modify the argument (the raw JWT) of `pubkey-fn`
- is-revoked-fn ; should be a function that takes a decoded jwt and return a non nil value if the jwt is revoked
- jwt-check-fn ; should be a function taking a raw JWT string, and a decoded JWT and returns a list of errors or nil if no error is found.
- jwt-max-lifetime-in-sec ; maximal lifetime of a JWT in seconds (takes priority over :exp)
- post-jwt-format-fn ; a function taking a JWT and returning a data structure representing the identity of a user

sourceraw docstring


(mk-wrap-authorization user-config)

Inputs: [user-config :- UserConfig]

A function building a middleware taking care of the authorization logic.

It must be used in conjunction with mk-wrap-authentication.

The configuration is map containing two handlers.

  • allow-unauthenticated-access? => set it to true to not block the request when no JWT is provided
  • error-handler => a function taking a JWT error (see Result) and returning a ring response. This function should generally just return a 401 (unauthorized).
Inputs: [user-config :- UserConfig]

A function building a middleware taking care of the authorization logic.

It must be used in conjunction with `mk-wrap-authentication`.

The configuration is map containing two handlers.

- allow-unauthenticated-access? => set it to true to not block the request when no JWT is provided
- error-handler => a function taking a JWT error (see Result) and returning a ring response.
                   This function should generally just return a 401 (unauthorized).
sourceraw docstring


we don't need to be more precise that saying this is an hash-map. The RingRequest schema is used as a documentation helper.

we don't need to be more precise that saying this is an hash-map.
The RingRequest schema is used as a documentation helper.
sourceraw docstring


(validate-jwt {:keys [jwt-check-fn] :as cfg} raw-jwt jwt)

Inputs: [{:keys [jwt-check-fn], :as cfg} :- Config raw-jwt :- s/Str jwt :- JWTClaims] Returns: (result-of s/Keyword)

Run both expiration and user checks, return a vec of errors or nothing

Inputs: [{:keys [jwt-check-fn], :as cfg} :- Config raw-jwt :- s/Str jwt :- JWTClaims]
Returns: (result-of s/Keyword)

Run both expiration and user checks,
return a vec of errors or nothing
sourceraw docstring


(wrap-jwt-auth-fn conf)

wrap a ring handler with JWT check both authentication and authorization mixed

wrap a ring handler with JWT check both authentication and authorization mixed
sourceraw docstring


(wrap-jwt-auth-with-in-between-middleware-fn conf wrap-logs)

Wrap the JWT authentication, authorization and a middleware wrapper in the middle

The wrapper will have access to both:

  • the request with JWT details added by the authentication layer
  • the response status returned by the authorization layer.

This is a good place to put a log middlware that will log all requests

Wrap the JWT authentication, authorization and a middleware wrapper in the middle

The wrapper will have access to both:
- the request with JWT details added by the authentication layer
- the response status returned by the authorization layer.

This is a good place to put a log middlware that will log all requests
sourceraw docstring

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