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measuring and debugging functions on demand without a need to alter the code

Clojars Project

What does it do?

calip measures and debugs functions on demand, or in case of an error, without a need to alter the code.

It does so by adding an AOP around advice (i.e. a weaved timer function wrapper) with robert hooke

It comes really handy at development time, as well as for deployed applications:

  • when you need on demand performance metrics with runtime arguments
  • when you need to see the actual runtime function arguments in case of an error
  • when you need to see the actual runtime function arguments as the program is running

In which case you can just connect to a deployed application via an nREPL, and add measurements, handlers, logs to any "functional suspect".

Performance on demand

Let's pretend we have an app with two functional suspects:

=> (defn rsum [n] (reduce + (range n)))
=> (defn rmult [n] (reduce *' (range 1 n)))

=> (rsum 10)
=> (rmult 10)

Now let's measure them:

=> (require '[calip.core :as calip])

=> (calip/measure #{#'boot.user/rsum

=> (rsum 10)
"#'boot.user/rsum" args: (10) | took: 13,969 nanos | returned: 45

=> (rmult 10)
"#'boot.user/rmult" args: (10) | took: 16,402 nanos | returned: 362880

(10) here shows the runtime arguments to a function that is measured, or "an" argument in this case.

these measurements can be removed of course:

=> (calip/uncalip #{#'boot.user/rsum})

=> (rsum 10)
=> (rmult 10)
"#'boot.user/rmult" args: (10) | took: 17,479 nanos | returned: 362880

or remove it from both:

=> (calip/uncalip #{#'boot.user/rsum #'boot.user/rmult})

=> (rsum 10)
=> (rmult 10)

Taming runtime errors

Most of the time, in case of a runtime error/exception, JVM reports an array of stack trace elements, each representing one stack frame. This array is also known as a stacktrace.

While it is immensely useful for tracking down an error scope (i.e. where it happened), it falls short to provide a state snapshot at the time an error occurred: i.e. "what were the arguments passed to a function at the time the error occurred?"

calip helps tracking down these runtime arguments by setting an ":on-error?" flag on a measurement.

Measuring on error

As an example let's take a function that creates a socket (i.e. connects) to external systems:

=> (defn connect [{:keys [host port]}]
     ( host port))
=> (connect {:host "" :port 7889})
#object[ 0x59cdc19b "Socket[,port=7889,localport=62446]"]

=> (connect {:host "" :port 1025}) Operation timed out

=> (connect {:host "" :port 1025}) Connection refused

In case of an error JVM reports an exception but there is no visual on what the arguments were at the time of this exception.

Let's fix it without a code change / on a running application:

=> (calip/measure #{#'boot.user/connect} {:on-error? true})

we can still normally connect without any extra logging / metrics:

=> (connect {:host "" :port 7889})
#object[ 0x3bc7a27c "Socket[,port=7889,localport=62446]"]

but in case of an error, in addition to the time a function took, calip will report the actual runtime args that led to this error:

=> (connect {:host "" :port 1025})
"#'boot.user/connect" args: ({:host "", :port 1025}) | took: 75,696,573,373 nanos | error: Operation timed out Operation timed out
=> (connect {:host "" :port 22})
"#'boot.user/connect" args: ({:host "", :port 22}) | took: 309,753 nanos | error: Connection refused Connection refused

:on-error? flag can be combined with a custom :report function that is documented in the next section


By default calip will use println and a "default format" as shown above to report metrics, but it is pluggable. You can pass a report function to calip/measure. calip would pass a map to this function with:

{:took took           ;; time this function took to execute in nanoseconds
 :fname fname         ;; function name with a namespace
 :args args           ;; arguments that were passed to this function
 :returned / :error}  ;; a :returned value or an :error [depending on whether the :on-error? flag is set]

Quite a useful scenario is to use calip to measure or debug parts of the application that writes logs. We can tap into that:

=> (require '[ :as log])

=> (calip/measure #{#'boot.user/rsum #'boot.user/rmult} {:report #(log/info (calip/default-format %))})

=> (rsum 10)
13:42:04.048 [nREPL-worker-24] INFO  boot.user - "#'boot.user/rsum" args: (10) | took: 14,928 nanos | returned: 45
=> (rmult 10)
13:42:07.687 [nREPL-worker-24] INFO  boot.user - "#'boot.user/rmult" args: (10) | took: 16,280 nanos | returned: 362880

notice we used (calip/default-format %) to format that {:took .., :fname .., :args .., :returned} map, but you can of course customize it.

Custom reporting

=> (defn create-life [{:keys [galaxy planet]}] "creating life...")

=> (create-life {:galaxy "pegasus" :planet "athos"})
"creating life..."

=> (calip/measure #{#'boot.user/create-life} {:report (fn [{:keys [took fname]}]
                                                        (log/info fname "took" took "ns"))})

=> (create-life {:galaxy "pegasus" :planet "athos"})
13:54:20.334 [nREPL-worker-25] INFO  boot.user - #'boot.user/create-life took 2637 ns
"creating life..."

or with args and return values:

=> (calip/measure #{#'boot.user/create-life} {:report (fn [{:keys [took fname args returned]}]
                                                        (log/info "\n|>" fname "\n|> with args:" args "\n|> took:" took "ns \n|> return value:" returned))})

=> (create-life {:galaxy "pegasus" :planet "athos"})
INFO  boot.user -
|> #'boot.user/create-life
|> with args: ({:galaxy pegasus, :planet athos})
|> took: 2911 ns
|> return value: creating life...

"creating life..."

Custom reports on errors

A custom :report function can be combined with an :on-error? flag:

boot.user=> (calip/measure #{#'boot.user/connect}
                           {:on-error? true
                            :report #(log/info (calip/default-format %))})

boot.user=> (connect {:host "" :port 22})
INFO  boot.user - "#'boot.user/connect" args: ({:host "", :port 22}) | took: 339,019 nanos | error: Connection refused


boot.user=> (calip/measure #{#'boot.user/rsum}
                           {:report #(log/info (calip/default-format %))
                            :on-error? true})

boot.user=> (rsum "oops")
INFO  boot.user - "#'boot.user/rsum" args: ("oops") | took: 87,268 nanos | error: java.lang.ClassCastException: java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Number

From a single function to the whole namespace

While profiling applications there are two questions that are very frequent:

out of all these functions what exactly takes so long?


how long does each function take in this module (namespace)?

Instead of explicitly listing all the functions in a particular namespace, calip accepts strings in a "#'*" format that it would expand to include all the functions in a particular, in this case ', namespace:

boot.user=> (calip/measure #{"#'boot.user/*" #'boot.user/rmult})

would add "hooks" to:

adding hook to #'boot.user/+version+
adding hook to #'boot.user/check-sources
adding hook to #'boot.user/dev
adding hook to #'boot.user/log4b
adding hook to #'boot.user/rmult
adding hook to #'boot.user/rsum

i.e. it expands "#'boot.user/*" into all the 'boot.user functions currently known to the runtime.


Copyright © 2017 tolitius

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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