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is gregor's sister that adds a threadpool and a scheduler

<! release <! clojars>

... and some Java API
... and the latest kafka (at the moment of writing)

the idea behind grete is to be able to start a farm of kafka consumers that listen to (potentially) multiple topics and apply a simple consuming function.

spilling the beans

$ make repl

=> (require '[grete.core :as g])

it is quite common for the same app to produce and consume,
hence we'll use one config for producing and consuming:

=> (def config {:kafka
                 {:bootstrap-servers ",,"}
                 {:group-id "foobar-consumer-group"
                  :bootstrap-servers ",,"
                  :topics ["foos" "bars" "bazs"]
                  :threads 42
                  :poll-ms 100
                  :auto-offset-reset "earliest"}}})


produce a couple of messages (to foos topic):

=> (def p (g/producer (get-in config [:kafka :producer])))

;; send a couple of messages to topics: "foos" and "bars"
=> (g/send! p "foos" "{:answer 42}")
=> (g/send! p "bars" "{:answer 42}")

=> (g/close p)


a sample consuming function "process":

;; the "process" function takes a batch of 'org.apache.kafka.clients.consumer.ConsumerRecords'
;; which can be turned to a seq of maps with 'consumer-records->maps'"

=> ;; not using "consumer" arg here, but you may
   (defn process [consumer batch]
     (let [batch (g/consumer-records->maps batch)
           bsize (count batch)]
       (when (pos? bsize)
         (println "picked up" bsize "events:" batch))))

start a farm of consumers (42 threads as per config):

=> (def consumers (g/run-consumers process (get-in config [:kafka :consumer])))

once the "farm" is started you'll see those two messages that were produces above:

;;   picked up 2 events: ({:value {:answer 42},
;;                         :key #object[[B 0x65ae581f [B@65ae581f],
;;                         :partition 2,
;;                         :topic foos,
;;                         :offset 1000,
;;                         :timestamp 1586888551200,
;;                         :timestamp-type CreateTime}
;;                        {:value {:answer 42},
;;                         :key #object[[B 0x499b3437 [B@499b3437],
;;                         :partition 13,
;;                         :topic foos,
;;                         :offset 3239,
;;                         :timestamp 1586889147336,
;;                         :timestamp-type CreateTime})

values here are strings, but could be byte arrays given bytearray de/serializers.

as with other thread pools, it's a good idea to shut them down once we done working with them:

=> (g/stop-consumers consumers)


a kafka producer has an internal queue which accepts all the calls to produce events, and when the queue reaches a certain size OR a particular timeout is fired it sends this "batch" of events to the server / broker.

hence the kafka publishing process is asynchronous by design.

once the events are published to the broker, kafka producer informs the calling API about the status via an optional callback.

this callback is a function that would be passed to arguments after the event is published:

  • metadata in a form of
{:offset 42
 :partition 13
 :topic "eagle-nebula"}
  • and, in case of a problem, an exception

this callback can be provided to a send-then! function:

=> (g/send-then! p "foos" "{:answer 42}"
        (fn [metadata exception]
         (println {:meta metadata
                   :exception exception})))

#object[org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.FutureRecordMetadata 0x753e4eb5 "org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.FutureRecordMetadata@753e4eb5"]
{:meta {:offset 2
        :partition 0
        :topic foos}
 :exception nil}

;; this part 👆 is returned to a producer via a callback
;; this part 👇 is returned to a consumer

picked up 1 events: ({:value {:answer 42}, :key nil, :partition 0, :topic foos, :offset 2, :timestamp 1701364230786, :timestamp-type CreateTime})

Java API

consumer props:

bootstrap-servers: ",,"
threads: 42
poll-ms: 10
topics: "foos,bars,bazs"
group-id: "foobar-consumer-group"
auto-offset-reset: "earliest"
enable-auto-commit: "false"
heartbeat-interval-ms: "3000"
default-api-timeout-ms: "600000"
session-timeout-ms: "30000"

a mesage processing function:

static void process(ConsumerRecords<byte[], byte[]> records) {
   // ...

a map of consumers:

import tolitius.Grete;

BiConsumer<KafkaConsumer, ConsumerRecords<byte[], byte[]>> consume =
        (consumer, records) -> process(records);

Map consumers = Grete.startConsumers(consume, props);


could be "process(consumer, records)" if "KafkaConsumer" is also needed

several topics at once

In case the same group of consumer threads are listening to multiple topics and the distinction needs to be made, i.e. what messages came from which topics, the records need to be groupped by topic:

static Map<String, List<ConsumerRecord<byte[], byte[]>>> groupByTopic(ConsumerRecords<byte[], byte[]> records) {

    if (records.isEmpty()) {
        log.trace("no new records in kafka, hence there is nothing to transport");
        return null;

    var byTopic = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, List<ConsumerRecord<byte[], byte[]>>>();

    records.forEach(record -> {
        var topic = record.topic();
        var rs = byTopic.getOrDefault(topic, new ArrayList<>());
        byTopic.put(record.topic(), rs);

    return byTopic;

this is the "process" function from a previous example with a group by topic:

static void process(ConsumerRecords<byte[], byte[]> records) {

    // since consumer may be subscribed to multiple topics the batch might include
    // records of different types / from different topics.
    // group all the the records in the batch by the topic to later pipe it to the proper function
    var byTopic = groupByTopic(records);

    if (byTopic != null) {
        byTopic.forEach((topic, rs) -> {

            // ...


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Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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