(assoc-if m & kvs)
associates key/value pairs into the map m
if the values are not nil
if a value is nil, the corresponding key is not added to the map
args: m: the initial map kvs: a sequence of alternating keys and values (e.g., :k1 v1 :k2 v2)
returns: a new map with the key/value pairs added, excluding pairs where the value is nil
example: => (def m {:moo 42})
=> (assoc-if m :zoo 12) {:moo 42, :zoo 12}
;; nil is not a value: hence skipped => (assoc-if m :zoo 12 :moo nil) {:moo 42, :zoo 12}
;; false is a value: hence not skipped => (assoc-if m :zoo 12 :moo nil :boo false) {:moo 42, :zoo 12, :boo false}
associates key/value pairs into the map `m` if the values are not nil if a value is nil, the corresponding key is not added to the map args: m: the initial map kvs: a sequence of alternating keys and values (e.g., :k1 v1 :k2 v2) returns: a new map with the key/value pairs added, excluding pairs where the value is nil example: => (def m {:moo 42}) => (assoc-if m :zoo 12) {:moo 42, :zoo 12} ;; nil is not a value: hence skipped => (assoc-if m :zoo 12 :moo nil) {:moo 42, :zoo 12} ;; false is a value: hence not skipped => (assoc-if m :zoo 12 :moo nil :boo false) {:moo 42, :zoo 12, :boo false}
(cconj xs item & {:keys [size]})
circular conj adds an item into a collection, droping the last element in case a collection count is greater than a :size. (def l '(10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17)) (take 5 (iterate #(cconj % (rand-int 10) :size 10) l)) => ((10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17) (3 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17) (9 3 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17) (5 9 3 10 11 12 13 14 15 16) (2 5 9 3 10 11 12 13 14 15))
circular conj adds an item into a collection, droping the last element in case a collection count is greater than a :size. (def l '(10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17)) (take 5 (iterate #(cconj % (rand-int 10) :size 10) l)) => ((10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17) (3 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17) (9 3 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17) (5 9 3 10 11 12 13 14 15 16) (2 5 9 3 10 11 12 13 14 15))
(deep-merge-with f & maps)
like merge-with, but merges maps recursively, appling the given fn only when there's a non-map at a particular level. (deepmerge + {:a {:b {:c 1 :d {:x 1 :y 2}} :e 3} :f 4} {:a {:b {:c 2 :d {:z 9} :z 3} :e 100}}) -> {:a {:b {:z 3, :c 3, :d {:z 9, :x 1, :y 2}}, :e 103}, :f 4}
like merge-with, but merges maps recursively, appling the given fn only when there's a non-map at a particular level. (deepmerge + {:a {:b {:c 1 :d {:x 1 :y 2}} :e 3} :f 4} {:a {:b {:c 2 :d {:z 9} :z 3} :e 100}}) -> {:a {:b {:z 3, :c 3, :d {:z 9, :x 1, :y 2}}, :e 103}, :f 4}
(dissoc-in m [k & ks :as keys])
from https://github.com/clojure/core.incubator
dissociates an entry from a nested associative structure returning a new nested structure. keys is a sequence of keys. Any empty maps that result will not be present in the new structure.
from https://github.com/clojure/core.incubator dissociates an entry from a nested associative structure returning a new nested structure. keys is a sequence of keys. Any empty maps that result will not be present in the new structure.
(extract-key-ns m kns)
=> (extract-key-ns {:a/one :a-one :a/two :a-two :b/one :b-one :b/two :b-two} :a)
{:a {:one :a-one :two :a-two}}
=> (extract-key-ns {:a/one :a-one :a/two :a-two :b/one :b-one :b/two :b-two} :a) {:a {:one :a-one :two :a-two}}
(filter-kv m f)
Takes a map, filters on (f k v) for each map entry, returns a map.
Takes a map, filters on (f k v) for each map entry, returns a map.
(fmv m f)
apply f to each value v of map m
apply f to each value v of map m
(group-by-first m)
takes a seq of 2 element tuples and groups them by the first (key) element. (group-by-first [[1 2][1 4][2 3][2 7]]) {1 (4 2), 2 (7 3)}
takes a seq of 2 element tuples and groups them by the first (key) element. (group-by-first [[1 2][1 4][2 3][2 7]]) {1 (4 2), 2 (7 3)}
(group-by-ns m)
=> (group-by-ns {:a/one :a-one :b/one :b-one :a/two :a-two :b/two :b-two})
{:a {:one :a-one, :two :a-two} :b {:one :b-one, :two :b-two}}
=> (group-by-ns {:a/one :a-one :b/one :b-one :a/two :a-two :b/two :b-two}) {:a {:one :a-one, :two :a-two} :b {:one :b-one, :two :b-two}}
(index-by by xs)
given a sequence of maps index them by the key
(!) duplicate/nil keys: latest wins (!)
=> (index [{:a 123, :b "first"} {:a 234, :b "second"} {:a 345, :b "third"}] ;; seq of maps :a) ;; key to index by
{123 {:a 123, :b "first"}, 234 {:a 234, :b "second"}, 345 {:a 345, :b "third"}}
given a sequence of maps index them by the key (!) duplicate/nil keys: latest wins (!) => (index [{:a 123, :b "first"} {:a 234, :b "second"} {:a 345, :b "third"}] ;; seq of maps :a) ;; key to index by {123 {:a 123, :b "first"}, 234 {:a 234, :b "second"}, 345 {:a 345, :b "third"}}
(map->keys-as-path m)
(map->keys-as-path m path)
Takes a nested map and returns a flat map where each key is the path of the original map. => (map->path-keys {:a {:b 'abc'}}) {[:a :b] 'abc'}
Takes a nested map and returns a flat map where each key is the path of the original map. => (map->path-keys {:a {:b 'abc'}}) {[:a :b] 'abc'}
(props->map props)
java.util.Properties to map
java.util.Properties to map
(rebrace this with)
=> (rebrace "{{child}}, I am your {{parent}}" {:child "Luke" :parent "father"})
"Luke, I am your father"
=> (rebrace "{{child}}, I am your {{parent}}" {:child "Luke" :parent "father"}) "Luke, I am your father"
(remove-empty m)
=> (remove-empty {:a nil :b "" :c [] :d 42}) {:d 42}
=> (remove-empty {:a nil :b "" :c [] :d 42}) {:d 42}
(remove-empty-keys m)
=> (remove-empty-keys {:a 42 nil 37 "" 28 [] 12 {} 7 :b 34}) {:a 42 :b 34}
=> (remove-empty-keys {:a 42 nil 37 "" 28 [] 12 {} 7 :b 34}) {:a 42 :b 34}
(remove-keys-by-prefix m prefix)
removes map entries by a key prefix
=> (def m {:a 42 :foo.bar/zoo 39 :moo 82 :oop.oop/noop :noop})
=> (y/remove-keys-by-prefix m :a) {:foo.bar/zoo 39, :moo 82, :oop.oop/noop :noop}
=> (y/remove-keys-by-prefix m :foo) {:a 42, :moo 82, :oop.oop/noop :noop}
removes map entries by a key prefix => (def m {:a 42 :foo.bar/zoo 39 :moo 82 :oop.oop/noop :noop}) => (y/remove-keys-by-prefix m :a) {:foo.bar/zoo 39, :moo 82, :oop.oop/noop :noop} => (y/remove-keys-by-prefix m :foo) {:a 42, :moo 82, :oop.oop/noop :noop}
(replace-in-kw kw from to)
=> (replace-in-kw :foo-bar-baz "bar" "zoo") :foo-zoo-baz
=> (replace-in-kw :foo-bar-baz "bar" "zoo") :foo-zoo-baz
(rfmk m f)
recursively apply f to each key k of map m
recursively apply f to each key k of map m
from: https://twitter.com/chrishouser/status/1306000820580876288
tasty sequential UUIDs from: https://github.com/clojure-cookbook/clojure-cookbook/blob/1b3754a7f4aab51cc9b254ea102870e7ce478aa0/01_primitive-data/1-24_uuids.asciidoc
tasty sequential UUIDs from: https://github.com/clojure-cookbook/clojure-cookbook/blob/1b3754a7f4aab51cc9b254ea102870e7ce478aa0/01_primitive-data/1-24_uuids.asciidoc
(validate validators fact)
(validate validators fact {:keys [check-all?]})
takes in a sequence of validator functions and a fact to validate returns :valid if all validators pass, otherwise returns a sequence of errors
if check-all? is true, all validators will be run otherwise, validators will be run until the first error is found
(defn purrs? [cat] (or (= (:purrs cat) true) {:error "cat doesn't purr"}))
(defn says-meow? [cat] (or (= (:says cat) "meow") {:error "cat doesn't say meow"}))
(defn one-tail? [cat] (or (= (:tail cat) 1) {:error "cat doesn't have 1 tail"}))
(defn four-legs? [cat] (or (= (:legs cat) 4) {:error "cat doesn't have 4 legs"}))
(validate [purrs? says-meow? one-tail? four-legs?] {:legs 3 :tail 3 :says "bow" :purrs true})
; => [{:error "cat doesn't say meow"} {:error "cat doesn't have 1 tail"} {:error "cat doesn't have 4 legs"}]
(validate [purrs? says-meow? one-tail? four-legs?] {:legs 3 :tail 3 :says "bow" :purrs true} {:check-all? false})
; => [{:error "cat doesn't say meow"}]
takes in a sequence of validator functions and a fact to validate returns :valid if all validators pass, otherwise returns a sequence of errors if check-all? is true, all validators will be run otherwise, validators will be run until the first error is found example: (defn purrs? [cat] (or (= (:purrs cat) true) {:error "cat doesn't purr"})) (defn says-meow? [cat] (or (= (:says cat) "meow") {:error "cat doesn't say meow"})) (defn one-tail? [cat] (or (= (:tail cat) 1) {:error "cat doesn't have 1 tail"})) (defn four-legs? [cat] (or (= (:legs cat) 4) {:error "cat doesn't have 4 legs"})) (validate [purrs? says-meow? one-tail? four-legs?] {:legs 3 :tail 3 :says "bow" :purrs true}) ; => [{:error "cat doesn't say meow"} {:error "cat doesn't have 1 tail"} {:error "cat doesn't have 4 legs"}] (validate [purrs? says-meow? one-tail? four-legs?] {:legs 3 :tail 3 :says "bow" :purrs true} {:check-all? false}) ; => [{:error "cat doesn't say meow"}]
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