(jfun->fun fun)
convert a Java function to a Clojure fn so it can be later composed together with other Clojure functions
convert a Java function to a Clojure fn so it can be later composed together with other Clojure functions
(map->edn m)
often needed for to pass EDN maps to Clojure libs from Java => (def m (java.util.HashMap. {"crux.id/foo" {"crux.db/bar" "baz"} "crux.asnwer/life" 42})) => (map->edn m) {:crux.id/foo #:crux.db{:bar "baz"}, :crux.asnwer/life 42}
often needed for to pass EDN maps to Clojure libs from Java => (def m (java.util.HashMap. {"crux.id/foo" {"crux.db/bar" "baz"} "crux.asnwer/life" 42})) => (map->edn m) {:crux.id/foo #:crux.db{:bar "baz"}, :crux.asnwer/life 42}
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