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This update includes a significant rewrite of the algorithm which traverses & pulls data out of the db based on an EQL query. It has a minor if any performance impact, but allows working with arbitrarily nested data.


  • Pull queries now use protocol IPullable to resolve entities, allowing pyramid to query arbitrary data stores using EQL.
  • Datalog queries now use protocol IQueryable to get all entities from an object, allowing pyramid to query arbitraty data stores in memory.
  • pull-report now returns an :indices key with a set of top-level indices that are used in the query.
  • add-report now returns an :indices key with a set of top-level indices that are modified through adding the data to the db
  • Support for babashka


  • Fix error when a reference to an entity that doesn't exist in the db is queried. Now returns a map with the ident conj'd.


This update includes a significant rewrite of the normalization algorithm which in the real world results in a 50% reduction in time spent normalization and also supports arbitrary levels of nesting (up to computer memory limits).


  • Maintain correct order of sequences of entities when being normalized
  • Fix #14: data loss in p/add with nested maps



  • Fixed a bug in adding data where joins with params whose keys look like an entity was being replaced with a ref incorrectly



  • Fixed a bug in adding data where lists (such as joins with params) got reversed

3.0.0 to 3.1.2

Renamed to pyramid. Experimental datalog-like query engine. Internal refactor to use zippers.



In 1.2.0, we try to figure out how to identify a map by running a fn on each key without context. This precludes more complex logic, such as preferring one ID over another or using a composite of multiple keys to produce an ident.

Now, when you create a new db value, the optional second argument should be a function that takes the entire map as a value and returns either an ident (a tuple [key val] that uniquely identifies the entity in your system) or nil.


Additionally, a new namespace autonormal.ident is available for composing functions for identifying entities.

(require '[autonormal.core :as a]
         '[autonormal.ident :as ident])

;; creates a new db that will use `person/id` and `:food/name`
;; to identify entities
  (fn [entity]
    ;; first, check for :person/id
    (if-let [person-id (:person/id entity)]
      [:person/id person-id]
      ;; else, check for :food/name. return nil otherwise
      (when-let [food-name (:food/name entity)]
        [:food/name food-name]))))

;; autonormal.ident/by is a helper to compose functions that take an entity
;; and return either an ident or nil
(a/db [] (ident/by
           (fn [entity]
             (when-let [person-id (:person/id entity)]
               [:person/id person-id]))
           (fn [entity]
             (when-let [food-name (:food/name entity)]
               [:food/name food-name]))))

;; autonormal.ident/by-keys is a helper that handles the specific case of
;; composing keys 
(a/db [] (ident/by-keys :person/id :food/name))



  • db now takes a second argument, identify, which is a function used to determine whether a key is used to identify the entity or not



  • :autonormal.core/not-found values were still present in union entries, are now filtered out appropriately


This is a minor bump to better reflect changes made in 1.0.3 and 1.0.2.


  • More docstrings



  • delete, which dissocs an entity from the db and removes all references to it


  • Adding and creating databases with entities that have non-entities inside collections



  • add-report, which returns a map with keys :db, containing the updated map, and :entities, which contains the set of lookup refs modified

  • pull-report, which returns a map with keys :data, containing the result of the EQL query, and :entities, which contains the set of lookup refs queried in :data

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