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(coll-node? node)

Inputs: [node :- tsk/KeyMap] Returns: s/Bool

Inputs: [node :- tsk/KeyMap]
Returns: s/Bool
sourceraw docstring


(entry-node? node)

Inputs: [node :- tsk/KeyMap] Returns: s/Bool

Inputs: [node :- tsk/KeyMap]
Returns: s/Bool
sourceraw docstring


(non-nil-entries-fn coll)

Inputs: [coll :- (s/maybe tsk/KeyMap)]

Inputs: [coll :- (s/maybe tsk/KeyMap)]
sourceraw docstring


(splatter data)

Inputs: [data]

Given arbitrary EDN data, returns a splat that wraps and annotates each level for collections (map/list/set), collection entries (map entries/list elements/set elements), and primitive values (numbers/strings/keywords/symbols/nil/etc).

Inputs: [data]

Given arbitrary EDN data, returns a `splat` that wraps and annotates each level for
 collections (map/list/set), collection entries (map entries/list elements/set elements),
 and primitive values (numbers/strings/keywords/symbols/nil/etc).
sourceraw docstring


(splatter-walk intc data)

Inputs: [intc :- tsk/KeyMap data :- s/Any] Returns: s/Any

Convenience function for performing a stack-walk using splattered data:

  (it-> <data>
    (splatter it)
    (stack-walk <interceptor> it)
    (unsplatter it))
Inputs: [intc :- tsk/KeyMap data :- s/Any]
Returns: s/Any

Convenience function for performing a `stack-walk` using splattered data:

      (it-> <data>
        (splatter it)
        (stack-walk <interceptor> it)
        (unsplatter it))
sourceraw docstring


(splatter-walk-noop intc data)

Inputs: [intc :- tsk/KeyMap data :- s/Any] Returns: s/Any

Same as splatter-walk but discards the result of each interceptor :enter and :leave function.

Inputs: [intc :- tsk/KeyMap data :- s/Any]
Returns: s/Any

Same as `splatter-walk` but discards the result of each interceptor `:enter` and `:leave` function. 
sourceraw docstring


(splatter-walk-spy data)

Inputs: [data :- s/Any] Returns: s/Any

LIke splatter-walk, but prints both node-history stack and subtree at each step.

Inputs: [data :- s/Any]
Returns: s/Any

LIke splatter-walk, but prints both node-history stack and subtree at each step. 
sourceraw docstring


(stack-identity stack node)

Inputs: [stack node]

An identity function for use with stack-walk. It ignores the stack and returns the supplied node value.

Inputs: [stack node]

An identity function for use with `stack-walk`. It ignores the stack and returns the supplied node value.
sourceraw docstring


(stack-spy stack node)

Inputs: [stack node]

Inputs: [stack node]
sourceraw docstring


(stack-walk interceptor splatter)

Inputs: [interceptor :- tsk/KeyMap splatter :- tsk/KeyMap] Returns: s/Any

Uses an interceptor (with :enter and :leave functions) to walk a Splatter data structure. Each interceptor function call receives a node-history stack as the first argument (current node => index 0)

Inputs: [interceptor :- tsk/KeyMap splatter :- tsk/KeyMap]
Returns: s/Any

Uses an interceptor (with `:enter` and `:leave` functions) to walk a Splatter data structure.  Each interceptor
function call receives a node-history stack as the first argument (current node => index 0) 
sourceraw docstring




(unsplatter splat)

Inputs: [splat :- tsk/KeyMap] Returns: s/Any

Remove annotations from a splat, eliding any nil values. Since the splatter annotation never includes raw nil values, any nil detected by unsplatter indicates a node or subtree has been deleted during prior processing (eg via stack-walk or splatter-walk).

Inputs: [splat :- tsk/KeyMap]
Returns: s/Any

Remove annotations from a `splat`, eliding any `nil` values. Since the `splatter`
 annotation never includes raw `nil` values, any `nil` detected by `unsplatter`
 indicates a node or subtree has been deleted during prior processing
 (eg via `stack-walk` or `splatter-walk`).
sourceraw docstring

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