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(defgauge title f)
(defgauge reg title f)

Define a new Gauge metric with the given title and a function. to call to retrieve the value of the Gauge.

The title uses some basic desugaring to let you concisely define metrics:

; Define a gauge titled "" into var foo (defgauge foo ,,,) (defgauge "foo" ,,,)

; Define a gauge titled "a.b.c" into var c (defgauge [a b c] ,,,) (defgauge ["a" "b" "c"] ,,,) (defgauge [a "b" c] ,,,)

Define a new Gauge metric with the given title and a function.
 to call to retrieve the value of the Gauge.

The title uses some basic desugaring to let you concisely define metrics:

  ; Define a gauge titled "" into var foo
  (defgauge foo ,,,)
  (defgauge "foo" ,,,)

  ; Define a gauge titled "a.b.c" into var c
  (defgauge [a b c] ,,,)
  (defgauge ["a" "b" "c"] ,,,)
  (defgauge [a "b" c] ,,,)
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(gauge-fn title f)
(gauge-fn reg title f)

Create a new Gauge metric with the given title.

The given function will be called (with no arguments) to retrieve the value of the Gauge when requested.

Create a new Gauge metric with the given title.

The given function will be called (with no arguments) to retrieve the value of
the Gauge when requested.
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(value g)

Return the value of the given Gauge.

Return the value of the given Gauge.
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