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Collection of small, but useful Clojure, ClojureScript and ClojureCLR functions and macros I've created that I frequently find myself replicating across programs.

Essentially this library is my own personal version of Medley, but you can use both at the same time as they mostly contain different things.



tools.deps: Add the following to your deps.edn file:

uk.axvr/refrain {:mvn/version "0.3"}

Leiningen: add the following to your project.clj file:

[uk.axvr/refrain "0.3"]


Before working on code changes, please note that PRs adding new functions or macros are unlikely to be accepted. However, PRs containing fixes to existing ones, may be merged if they don't cause regressions.

clojure -X:test       # Run tests on Clojure (JVM)
clojure -M:cljs-test  # Run tests on ClojureScript (JS)


  • Copyright © 2022 Alex Vear.
  • Copyright © 2009, 2016 Rich Hickey.

The use and distribution terms for this software are covered by the Eclipse Public License 1.0 which can be found in the accompanying LICENCE file. By using this software in any fashion, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms of this license. You must not remove this notice, or any other, from this software.

The author is unaware of any patent claims which may affect the use, modification or distribution of this software.

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cljdoc is a website building & hosting documentation for Clojure/Script libraries

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