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Fn FDK for Clojure


About Fn

The Fn project is an open-source container-native serverless platform that you can run anywhere -- any cloud or on-premise. It’s easy to use, supports every programming language, and is extensible and performant.


Add [unpause/fdk-clj "1.0.5"] to your dependencies.


Add [fdk-clj.core :as fdk] to the requirements list where your function's main entrypoint is.

Create an function handler to be called when a new request is made:

(defn handler [context data]

Or if you prefer to return a different format or add headers:

(defn handler [context data]
  ; stuff
  (fdk/raw-response {
    :status 200
    :body "blah"
    :headers {
      :content-type "text/plain"
      "X-Something-Different" "Yep"

Create a main function like so:

(defn -main [& args]
  (fdk/handle handler))

Context format

   :app_name "app"
   :app_route "/func"
   :call_id "id"
   :config { "FN_APP_NAME" "app" "FN_PATH" "func" ... env variables ... }
   :headers { http headers }
   :arguments {}
   :fn_format "cloudevent"
   :execution_type "sync"
   :deadline "2018-01-01T23:59:59.999"
   :content_type "application/json"
   :request_url ""
   [optional] :cloudevent { event map } ;; only applies to CloudEvent Format

Requests that go beyoned deadline will be forcefully killed.


For fast(er) cold-start times you should use GraalVM's Native Image with FROM SCRATCH for the docker image.

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