(add-gating-sequences rb sequences)
Add the specified gating sequences to this instance of the Disruptor. They will safely and atomically added to the list of gating sequences.
Add the specified gating sequences to this instance of the Disruptor. They will safely and atomically added to the list of gating sequences.
(create-event-factory handler)
Create an EventFactory which is called by the RingBuffer to pre-populate all the events to fill the RingBuffer.
Create an EventFactory which is called by the RingBuffer to pre-populate all the events to fill the RingBuffer.
(create-event-handler handler)
Create an EventHandler which is a callback interface for processing events as they become available in the RingBuffer.
Create an EventHandler which is a callback interface for processing events as they become available in the RingBuffer.
Returns a function that publishes events to the RingBuffer of different arity depending on which EventTranslator is being used.
Returns a function that publishes events to the RingBuffer of different arity depending on which EventTranslator is being used.
(create-event-translator handler)
Create an EventTranslator which translate (write) data representations into events claimed from the RingBuffer
Create an EventTranslator which translate (write) data representations into events claimed from the RingBuffer
(create-event-translator-one-arg handler)
Create an EventTranslatorOneArg which translate (write) data representations into events claimed from the RingBuffer
Create an EventTranslatorOneArg which translate (write) data representations into events claimed from the RingBuffer
(create-event-translator-three-arg handler)
Create an EventTranslatorThreeArg which translate (write) data representations into events claimed from the RingBuffer
Create an EventTranslatorThreeArg which translate (write) data representations into events claimed from the RingBuffer
(create-event-translator-two-arg handler)
Create an EventTranslatorTwoArg which translate (write) data representations into events claimed from the RingBuffer
Create an EventTranslatorTwoArg which translate (write) data representations into events claimed from the RingBuffer
(create-event-translator-var-arg handler)
Create an EventTranslatorVararg which translate (write) data representations into events claimed from the RingBuffer. The Handler should accept a variadic number of params
Create an EventTranslatorVararg which translate (write) data representations into events claimed from the RingBuffer. The Handler should accept a variadic number of params
(create-multi-producer factory size)
(create-multi-producer factory size strategy)
(create-single-producer factory size)
(create-single-producer factory size strategy)
(create-work-handler handler)
Create a WorkHandler which is for processing units of work as they become available in the RingBuffer.
Create a WorkHandler which is for processing units of work as they become available in the RingBuffer.
(create-worker-pool factory exception-handler handlers)
(create-worker-pool rb sb exception-handler handlers)
(deffactory name & args)
Define a Disruptor EventFactory which is called by the RingBuffer.
Define a Disruptor EventFactory which is called by the RingBuffer.
(defhandler name & args)
Define a Disruptor event handler which is a callback interface for processing events as they become available in the RingBuffer.
Define a Disruptor event handler which is a callback interface for processing events as they become available in the RingBuffer.
(deftranslator name & args)
Define a Disrupter EventTranslator which translate (write) data representations into events claimed from the RingBuffer
Define a Disrupter EventTranslator which translate (write) data representations into events claimed from the RingBuffer
(deftranslator1 name & args)
Define a Disrupter EventTranslatorOneArg which translate (write) data representations into events claimed from the RingBuffer
Define a Disrupter EventTranslatorOneArg which translate (write) data representations into events claimed from the RingBuffer
(deftranslator2 name & args)
Define a Disrupter EventTranslatorTwoArg which translate (write) data representations into events claimed from the RingBuffer
Define a Disrupter EventTranslatorTwoArg which translate (write) data representations into events claimed from the RingBuffer
(deftranslator3 name & args)
Define a Disrupter EventTranslatorThreeArg which translate (write) data representations into events claimed from the RingBuffer
Define a Disrupter EventTranslatorThreeArg which translate (write) data representations into events claimed from the RingBuffer
(deftranslatorvarg name & args)
Define a Disrupter EventTranslatorVararg which translate (write) data representations into events claimed from the RingBuffer
Define a Disrupter EventTranslatorVararg which translate (write) data representations into events claimed from the RingBuffer
(event-for-sequence rb sequence)
Returns the event for a given sequence in the Ring Buffer
Returns the event for a given sequence in the Ring Buffer
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