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Themes are used for choosing between different frontends for your store, both in production and in development.

Themes can be registered using the ventas.theme/register! fn:

  {:name "An awesome theme"
   :cljs-ns 'my.awesome.theme.core
   [{:db/ident :product.term/color
     :db/valueType :db.type/string
     :db/cardinality :db.cardinality/one}]
   (fn []
     [{:schema/type :schema.type/image-size
       :image-size/width 120
       :image-size/height 180
       :image-size/algorithm :image-size.algorithm/crop-and-resize
       :image-size/entities #{:schema.type/product}}])})

The most basic theme might be this one:

(ns my.awesome.theme.core
    [ventas.core] ;; very important too, sets up websockets, routes...
    [ventas.routes :as routes]))

(defn page []
  [:p "ventas is awesome!"])

  {:name "My awesome theme's home"
   :url ""
   :component page})

For your theme to work, you need to have:

  • A minified CLJS build with your theme's main namespace as :main, and an output-to of resources/public/files/js/compiled/{{theme}}.js
  • A resources/public/files/css/themes/{{theme}}.css file.

You can set these up like this, in project.clj

{:sassc {:src "src/scss/whatever/you/want.scss"
         :output-to "resources/public/files/css/themes/awesome.css" ;; important
         :style "nested"
         :import-path "src/scss"}}


 {:builds [{:id "my-theme-build" ;; will be used in prep-tasks, see next section
            :compiler {:main 'my.awesome.theme.core ;; must be equal to :cljs-ns
                       ;; must be like this
                       :output-to (str "resources/public/files/js/compiled/awesome.js")
                       ;; same
                       :output-dir (str "resources/public/files/js/compiled/awesome")
                       :optimizations :advanced}}]}}

Finally, ensure that your minified build runs in production:

  {:prep-tasks ["compile" ["cljsbuild"
                           "my-theme-build" ;; your build ID

You can use the lein template to begin with theme development.

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