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React Native component DSL for Clojurescript


rehook is my Clojurescript library for state management in React apps.

It is a simple, 35LOC library that provides a reagent like interface for modern Cljs/React apps.

You do not need to use rehook-rn-component with rehook, but the two obviously pair great!

Basic idea

rehook-rn-component is designed to be:

  • A simple, hiccup-inspired DSL for accessing React Native components
  • A baggage-free way to pass down application context down to child components

The library is only 50LOC. It makes Clojurescript development with React Native a joy!


defui is a macro used to define rehook components. This macro is simply syntactic sugar, all rehook components are cljs fns.

defui takes in three arguments:

  • context: immutable, application context
  • props: any props passed to the component. This will be an untouched JS object.
  • $: the render fn
(defui my-component [{:keys [dispatch]} _ $] 
  ($ :Text {:onClick #(dispatch :fire-missles)} "Hello world"))


The $ render fn provides Hiccup-like syntax for expressing the DOM tree.

Its signature looks like this: [component args? & children]

  • The first argument is always a component.
  • The second (optional) argument are the component props.
  • The third (optional) vararg are any component children

It supports lookup to components in a few ways:

  • All keywords are mapped to their equivilant name in the React Native API, eg :KeyboardAvoidingView
  • Custom React Native components (eg, those imported from npm), can be extended via the register-component multimethod
  • All rehook components can be referred to directly
(ns example.components
    [rehook.dom :as dom :refer-macros [defui]]
    ["imported-react-component" :refer [ImportedReactComponent]]))

(dom/register-component :ImportedReactComponent [_]

(defui button [{:keys [dispatch]} _ $]
  ($ :Button {:title "Fire missles" :onClick #(dispatch :fire-missles)}))

(defui app [_ $]
  ($ :View {:style #js {:flex 1}}
    ($ button)
    ($ :ImportedReactComponent)))

Note how the $ render fn hides having to pass the context map to its children through clever partial function application!

Props gotchas

  • Props passed to $ are always covnerted to JS maps via clj->js. This fn isn't recursive, so remeber to use the #js literal on any nested maps!
  • rehook does no special transformation to the keys in your props, so use onPress over on-press etc.


You can use the component-provider fn if you directly call AppRegistry

(ns example.core
    [example.components :refer [app]]
    [rehook.dom :as dom]
    ["react-native" :refer [AppRegistry]]))

(defn system []
  {:dispatch (fn [& _] (js/console.log "TODO: implement dispatch fn..."))})

(defn main []
  (.registerComponent AppRegistry "my-app" (dom/component-provider (system) app))

Alternatively if you don't have access to the AppRegistry, you can use the boostrap fn instead - which will return a valid React element

Context fns

component-provider optionally takes in a context fn, which is a fn applied each time the ctx map is passed to a child. This can be incredibly useful for instrumentation.

For example:

(defn ctx-transformer [ctx component]  
  (update ctx :log-ctx #(conj (or % []) (dom/component-name component))))

(dom/component-provider (system) ctx-transformer app)


rehook promotes building applications with no singleton global state. Therefore, you can treat your components as 'pure functions', as all inputs to the component are passed in as arguments.

Testing (with React hooks) is a deeper topic that I will explore via a blog post in the coming months. Please check back!

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