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A Clojure library which supports Winton Centre web components using the Rum React wrapper.


We have not published this library in Maven, so the first step is to clone it and install locally with leiningen.

git clone <this repo>
lein install

Then include it as as a dependency in your project file.

:dependencies [
  [wc-rum-lib "0.1.4"]

and require what you need, e.g.

(ns your-namespace
  (:require [rum.core :as rum]
            [wc-rum-lib/numeric-input :refer [numeric-input]])

(def a-number (atom 0))

(defc my-component []
  (numeric-input {:input-ref a-number
                  :onChange #(reset! a-number )
                  :min max


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Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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