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Declarative Reagent testing library.

The test runner can take screenshots after each action when combined with clj-chrome-devtools test runner. The screenshots will contain a HUD showing test progression and what the step was.

In drtest you define your UI test as a series of steps. Steps are either user defined functions or maps defining a :drtest.step/type which dispatches to a multimethod. You can also define your own step types by simply using defmethod and hook it to your favorite framework.

Basic usage example

;; define-drtest macros is a convenience for
;; deftest + async invocation. You can also run
;; drtest.core/run-steps directly in your test.

(define-drtest my-component-test
  ;; Options map
  {:screenshots? true
   :initial-context {:app (r/atom {}}}

  ;; Steps
  ;; `drtest.step/step` function is a convenience for creating
  ;; step descriptor maps.
  ;; It takes the step type and optional human readable label (shown in screenshots)
  ;; and the keys/values required by the step type.

  (step :render "Render component"
        :component (fn [{app :app}]
                     [my-component app]))

  (step :click "Click the doit button"
        :selector "#doit")

  (step :expect "Expect loading indicator to be present"
        :selector "div.loading")

  (step :wait "Wait for results"
        :ms 2000)

  ;; A function can also be a test step. It must return boolean (success value)
  ;; or a new context map.
  ^{:drtest.step/label "Check results in app state"}
  (fn [{app :app}]
    (= 2 (count (:results @app))))

  (step :expect-count "Check results are rendered"
        :selector "li.result" :count 2))


drtest in action


Steps are user defined functions or defined as maps containing :drtest.step/type (required), drtest.step/label (optional) and type specific keys.

Builtin step types

:renderRender the reagent :component to new container.
:expectCheck element with :selector exists. Can also check that is has :text, :value and :attributes present.
:expect-noCheck that no element with :selector exists.
:expect-countCheck that :count amount of elements are found with :selector. Adds element vector to context if :as is specified.
:clickSimulate click event on :element or :selector.
:typeSimulate typing :text event on :element or :selector. If :overwrite? is true replaces text, otherwise appends.
:waitWait for :ms milliseconds before continuing.
:wait-promiseWait for :promise to be resolved. If :as key is specified, the promise value is added to the context with that key. Fails if promise is rejected.

User defined functions as steps

You can provide a function as a test step, the function will be invoked with one argument: the current context. The function must return either a new context map or a boolean value describing success or failure.

Returning false from a function will fail the test and consequent steps will not run.

To provide a label for a function step, use a metadata map with :drtest.step/label key.



  • Initial version

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