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[wire-report "0.2.0"]

Clojars Project

On nodejs, use either IPC or a network socket to send state collected by cljs.test as a report object (via transit) back to your controlling process.

Optionally pass a net.Socket options object to wire/start-client. The socket will take precedence over IPC and will automatically cleanup after itself once the report has been written.

Use wire/connected? to conditionally use the :wire reporter key. If socket creation was omitted, it will automatically defer to js/process.send

(ns project.test.runner
  (:require [wire-report.core :as wire]

(defn get-opts [args]
  (if-let [a (first args)]
    (if (and (string/starts-with? a "{") (string/ends-with? a "}"))
       (read-string a))))

(defn -main [& args]
  (some-> (get-opts args) clj->js wire/start-client)  
  (wire/run-tests ;; will default to normal report when not connected

(set! *main-cli-fn* -main)

The report object

The vanilla state collected by cljs.test cannot be serialized in situ, so there are some changes:

  1. var forms #' are converted to simple symbols: '
  • fixture fns are replaced with their qualified symbols or labeled as :anonymous-fn
  • js/Error objects cannot be serialized: their message and stack are sent in simple maps
  • :expected & :actual forms are just strings
  • testing-contexts is a vector of strings instead of list
{:fail 2,
 :error 1,
 :pass 1,
 :test 2,
 [{:file "cljs/test.js",
   :line 432,
   :column 14,
   :expected "(= 5 (+ 2 2))",
   :actual "(not (= 5 4))",
   :message nil,
    {:before :anonymous-fn, :after wire-report.runner/baz}},
   :testing-vars wire-report.runner/foo}
  {:testing-vars wire-report.runner/bar,
   :testing-contexts ["bar tests"],
   :file "cljs/test.js",
   :column 14,
   :line 432,
   :expected "(= (+ 2 2) 5)",
   :actual "(not (= 4 5))",
   :message nil,
    {:before :anonymous-fn, :after wire-report.runner/baz}}}],
 [{:file "Error",
   :line NaN,
   :column NaN,
   :message "Uncaught exception, not in assertion.",
   :expected nil,
   {:message "an error",
    "Error: an error\n    at$lang$test..."},
    {:before :anonymous-fn, :after wire-report.runner/baz}},
   :testing-vars wire-report.runner/foo}]}]

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