bindscript is antoher tool for interactive coding ClojureScript. It displays values from its bindings forms in a heads-up in the browser.
Add dependency to your project:
witek/bindscript {:mvn/version "X.Y.Z"}
[bindscript.core :refer [def-bindscript]]
Put bindscripts into any ClojureScript file. Similar to an usual let
(def-bindscript ::my-script-1
a 7
b (inc 2)
m (assoc {}
(+ a b))
v (assoc [] :k 1)
k (keyword "bind" "script"))
Let figwheel load it into your browser and bindscript display the values:
Get insights, modify your code, loop!
Copyright © 2018 Witoslaw Koczewski
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or any later version.
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