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Generators for test.check.

Convex Lisp types and constructs expressed as Clojure data structures.

Useful for quickly writing sophisticated generative tests with the convex.clj namespace.

Generators for [test.check](

Convex Lisp types and constructs expressed as Clojure data structures.

Useful for quickly writing sophisticated generative tests with the [[convex.clj]] namespace.
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Any address.

Any address.
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Any type from this namespace.

Any type from this namespace.
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(any-but exclusion-set)

Any type but from the given exclusion-set.

Any type but from the given `exclusion-set`.
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(binding+ n-min n-max)
(binding+ n-min n-max gen-value)

Vector of [ [[symbol]] [[any]] ] where symbols are garanteed to be unique.

Useful for generating let-like bindings.

Vector of `[ [[symbol]] [[any]] ]` where symbols are garanteed to be unique.

Useful for generating `let`-like bindings.
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Any blob.

Any blob.
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Like blob but fixed size representing 32 bytes.

Like [[blob]] but fixed size representing 32 bytes.
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Like blob but fixed size representing 8 bytes.

Compatible with addresses.

Like [[blob]] but fixed size representing 8 bytes.

Compatible with addresses.
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True or false.

True or false.
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Value between -128 and 127.

Value between -128 and 127.
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(call gen-sym gen-arg+)

Random call to a (~sym ~@arg+) form.

Random call to a `(~sym ~@arg+)` form.
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Any character

Any character
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Any collection.

Any collection.
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Any double, including +/- Infinity and NaN.

Any double, including +/- Infinity and NaN.
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Either false or nil.

Either false or nil.
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Any valid character for hexadecimal notation, from to .

Any valid character for hexadecimal notation, from `  ` to `  `.
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A valid hex-string where each byte is written as two hex-digit.

A valid hex-string where each byte is written as two [[hex-digit]].
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Like hex-string but fixed size representing 32 bytes.

Like [[hex-string]] but fixed size representing 32 bytes.
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Like hex-string but fixed size representing 8 bytes.

Compatible with addresses.

Like [[hex-string]] but fixed size representing 8 bytes.

Compatible with addresses.
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Any keyword.

Any keyword.
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(kv+ gen-k gen-v)

Vector of [Key Value].

Ensures that all the keys are distinct which might matter in test situations.

Vector of `[Key Value]`.

Ensures that all the keys are distinct which might matter in test situations.
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Any list.

Any list.
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Any long.

Any long.
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Any hash-map (not blob-maps).

Any hash-map (not blob-maps).
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(mix-one-in gen-one gen-coll)

Ensures that an item from gen-one is present and shuffled in the sequential collection produced by gen-coll.

Ensures that an item from `gen-one` is present and shuffled in the sequential collection produced by `gen-coll`.
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Always generated nil.

Always generated nil.
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Either double or long

Either [[double]] or [[long]]
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(number-bounded option+)

Like number but accept a map with :min and :max for setting boundaries.

Both are optional.

Like [[number]] but accept a map with `:min` and `:max` for setting boundaries.

Both are optional.
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(outlier set-gen-good)
(outlier gen-good gen-wrong)

Produces a vector of items where each item is either a good item or anything else.

Ensures that at least one wrong item is produced.

Both kind can be given explicitly or a set of good generators can be given from which a "bad" generator can be deduced.

Useful for testing in order to produce inputs that are always faulty (at least partly).

Produces a vector of items where each item is either a good item or anything else.

Ensures that at least one wrong item is produced.

Both kind can be given explicitly or a set of good generators can be given from which
a "bad" generator can be deduced.

Useful for testing in order to produce inputs that are always faulty (at least partly).
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(quoted gen)

Quotes the value produced by gen such as (quote x).

Quotes the value produced by `gen` such as `(quote x)`.
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Base generators for recursive Convex types where an item of a collection can be a collection as well.

Leaves are scalar while containes can be lists, maps, sets, and vectors.

Produces a scalar in roughly 10% of outputs.

Base generators for recursive Convex types where an item of a collection can be a collection as well.

Leaves are [[scalar]] while containes can be lists, maps, sets, and vectors.

Produces a scalar in roughly 10% of outputs.
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Any of:

- [[address]]
- [[blob]]
- [[boolean]]
- [[char]]
- [[double]]
- [[keyword]]
- [[long]]
- [[nothing]]
- [[string]]
- [[symbol-quoted]]
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Either a list of a vector.

Either a list of a vector.
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Any set.

Any set.
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Any string.

Any string.
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Like string but can be used for building keywords and symbols.

Size is between 1 and 64 characters and the first character is compatible with symbolic types.

Like [[string]] but can be used for building keywords and symbols.

Size is between 1 and 64 characters and the first character is compatible with symbolic types.
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Any symbol.

Any symbol.
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Like symbol but the output is quoted.

Like [[symbol]] but the output is quoted.
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Any but falsy.

Any but [[falsy]].
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Any vector.

Any vector.
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