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Low-level Specs for web APIs/form fields that coerce string->type and also generate strings.



clj -Sdeps '{:deps {worldsingles/web-specs {:mvn/version "0.1.0"}}}'

Leiningen / Boot Dependency:

[worldsingles/web-specs "0.1.0"]

All the specs defined here accept strings that coerce to a given type, as well as values of that type, and will generate strings that can be coerced to that type.

  • :ws.web.spec/boolean -- a spec for Boolean values
  • :ws.web.spec/long -- a spec for long values
  • :ws.web.spec/opt-long -- a spec for "optional" long values (nil and "" are accepted, nil will be generated -- but not "")
  • :ws.web.spec/pos-int -- a spec for positive integer values (based on pos-int?)
  • :ws.web.spec/age -- a spec for positive integer values in the range 18..120
  • :ws.web.spec/double -- a spec for double values
  • :ws.web.spec/opt-double -- a spec for "optional" double values (nil and "" are accepted, nil will be generated -- but not "")
  • :ws.web.spec/date -- a spec for date values
  • :ws.web.spec/opt-date -- a spec for "optional" date values (nil and "" are accepted, nil will be generated -- but not "")

For dates, the following formats are accepted:

  • yyyy/M/d
  • M/d/yyyy
  • yyyy-M-d
  • M-d-yyyy
  • M/d/yy -- short years are considered 20xx
  • M-d-yy -- short years are considered 20xx
  • EEE MMM dd HH:mm:ss zzz yyyy -- e.g., "Fri Sep 20 13:02:00 PDT 2019"

All generated dates are strings of the form MM/dd/yyyy.

These specs are all built on two macros that wrap low-level coercions and predicates to produce string->type coercing specs:

  • param-spec, opt-param-spec

These accept a "coercion function", an optional "stringify" function, and a spec:

  • Coercion: accept a value of the target type, or a string representation of such a value and either convert it to the target type or produce :clojure.spec.alpha/invalid
  • Stringify: accept a value of the target type and produce a string representation of it (that can be coerced back to the original value) -- this defaults to str
  • Spec: a spec for the target type that will successfully generate values of that type

In addition, the following "coercions" are defined that accept strings or a given type, and produce :clojure.spec.alpha/invalid on bad input:

  • ->boolean, ->long, ->double, and ->date

For ->long, ->double, and ->date there are utility coerce->... functions that accept the given type or a string that they will attempt to coerce to the given type, throwing exceptions on bad input. These are used to build the ->... coercions but are left public in case they are useful in other contexts.

Finally, there is a convenience function that accepts a comma-separated list of numbers and will coerce that to a vector of long values, or produce :clojure.spec.alpha/invalid on bad input:

  • split->longs


0.1.0 -- Sep 20, 2019 -- first public release.


Copyright © 2017-2019 World Singles Networks llc.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0.

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