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ws-commons Clojars Project

Common utility functions and "extensions" to Clojure.



clj -Sdeps '{:deps {worldsingles/ws-commons {:mvn/version "0.1.1"}}}'

Leiningen / Boot Dependency:

[worldsingles/ws-commons "0.1.1"]
  • condp-> -- an extension to cond-> that threads the expression through the predicate(s) as well as the result(s).
  • condp->> -- an extension to cond->> that threads the expression through the predicate(s) as well as the result(s).
  • condq -- a version of condp that accepts a unary predicate and omits the expr (that condp uses as the second argument to the predicate).
  • dissoc-all -- an extension to dissoc that dissoc's a sequence of keys.
  • flip -- a companion to partial that allows the first argument to be omitted (rather than the trailing arguments). Inspired by Haskell's flip.
  • interleave-all -- an extension to interleave that uses all elements of the longer sequence argument(s).")
user=> (require '[ws.clojure.extensions
                  :refer [condp-> condp->> condq dissoc-all flip interleave-all]])
user=> (defn f [n]
         (condp-> n
           even?   (* 3)
           (> 100) (- 100)))
user=> (f 22)
66 ; (* 22 3) = 66, (> 66 100) = false
user=> (f 66)
98 ; (* 66 3) = 198, (> 198 100) = true, (- 198 100)
user=> (defn g [n]
         (condp->> n
           even?   (* 3)
           (> 100) (- 100)))
user=> (g 22)
34 ; (* 3 22) = 66, (> 100 66) = true, (- 100 66) = 34
user=> (g 66)
198 ; (* 3 66) = 198, (> 100 198) = false


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Copyright © 2016-2018 World Singles Networks llc.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License version 1.0.

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