(assoc system k v)
(assoc system k v & kvs)
(assoc-all system k v)
(assoc-in system ks v)
(assoc-in-all system ks v)
(await-shutdown! system)
(contains? system k)
(defs binding body)
(destructure-derived bindings)
(exec config ks)
(exec-daemon! config)
(exec-daemon! config ks)
(find-k system k)
(find-ks system k)
(get system k)
(get-all system k)
(get-in system ks)
(init* system ks)
(let-derived bindings & body)
(merge-overrides sys overrides)
(select-keys system ks)
(update system k f & args)
(update-all system k f & args)
(update-existing system k f & args)
(update-in system ks f & args)
(update-in-all system ks f & args)
(with-init-times log & body)
Takes a function log of the arity [k init-ms] and times invocations of integrant/init-key inside body. Useful for logging the startup time of components in a system.
Takes a function log of the arity [k init-ms] and times invocations of integrant/init-key inside body. Useful for logging the startup time of components in a system.
(with-system [binding config ks & {:keys [overrides]}] & body)
(wrap-init-times init-key log)
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