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(code-form nav symbol)

converts a form zipper into a code string

(-> (nav/parse-string "(fact (+ 1 1) \n => 2)") (code-form 'fact)) => "(+ 1 1) \n => 2"

converts a form zipper into a code string

(-> (nav/parse-string "(fact (+ 1 1) \n => 2)")
    (code-form 'fact))
=> "(+ 1 1) \n => 2"
raw docstring


(is-code-form nav)

converts the is form into a string

(is-code-form (nav/parse-string "(is (= (+ 1 1) 2))")) => "(+ 1 1)\n=> 2"

(is-code-form (nav/parse-string "(is true)")) => "true"

converts the `is` form into a string

(is-code-form (nav/parse-string "(is (= (+ 1 1) 2))"))
=> "(+ 1 1)\n=> 2"

(is-code-form (nav/parse-string "(is true)"))
=> "true"
raw docstring


(merge-current output current)

if not whitespace, then merge output

if not whitespace, then merge output
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(parse-attribute nav)

coverts an attribute zipper into an element

(-> (nav/parse-string "[[{:title "hello world"}]]") (parse-attribute)) => {:type :attribute, :title "hello world"}

coverts an attribute zipper into an element

(-> (nav/parse-string "[[{:title \"hello world\"}]]")
=> {:type :attribute, :title "hello world"}
raw docstring


(parse-code nav)

coverts a code zipper into an element

(-> (nav/parse-root "(+ 1 1) (+ 2 2)") (nav/down) (parse-code)) => {:type :code, :indentation 0, :code ["(+ 1 1)"]}

coverts a code zipper into an element

(-> (nav/parse-root "(+ 1 1) (+ 2 2)")
=> {:type :code, :indentation 0, :code ["(+ 1 1)"]}
raw docstring


(parse-code-directive nav)

coverts an code directive zipper into an element

(-> (nav/parse-string "[[:code {:language :ruby} "1 + 1 == 2"]]") (parse-code-directive)) => {:type :block, :indentation 0 :code "1 + 1 == 2" :language :ruby}

coverts an code directive zipper into an element

(-> (nav/parse-string "[[:code {:language :ruby} \"1 + 1 == 2\"]]")
=> {:type :block, :indentation 0 :code "1 + 1 == 2" :language :ruby}
raw docstring


(parse-comment-form nav)

convert a comment zipper into an element

(-> (nav/parse-string "(comment (+ 1 1) \n => 2)") (parse-comment-form)) => {:type :block :indentation 2 :code "(+ 1 1) \n => 2"}

convert a comment zipper into an element

(-> (nav/parse-string "(comment (+ 1 1) \n => 2)")
=> {:type :block :indentation 2 :code "(+ 1 1) \n => 2"}
raw docstring


(parse-deftest-form nav)

converts the deftest form into an element

(-> (nav/parse-string "(deftest hello)") (parse-deftest-form)) => {:type :test, :source {:row 1, :col 1, :end-row 1, :end-col 16}}

converts the `deftest` form into an element

(-> (nav/parse-string "(deftest hello)")
=> {:type :test, :source {:row 1, :col 1, :end-row 1, :end-col 16}}
raw docstring


(parse-directive nav)

converts a directive zipper into an element

(-> (nav/parse-string "[[:chapter {:title "hello world"}]]") (parse-directive)) => {:type :chapter :title "hello world"}

(binding [namespace 'example.core] (-> (nav/parse-string "[[:ns {:title "hello world"}]]") (parse-directive))) => {:type :ns, :title "hello world", :ns 'example.core}

converts a directive zipper into an element

(-> (nav/parse-string "[[:chapter {:title \"hello world\"}]]")
=> {:type :chapter :title "hello world"}

(binding [*namespace* 'example.core]
  (-> (nav/parse-string "[[:ns {:title \"hello world\"}]]")
=> {:type :ns, :title "hello world", :ns 'example.core}
raw docstring


(parse-fact-form nav)

convert a fact zipper into an element

(-> (nav/parse-string "(fact (+ 1 1) \n => 2)") (parse-fact-form)) => {:type :test :indentation 2 :code "(+ 1 1) \n => 2"}

convert a fact zipper into an element

(-> (nav/parse-string "(fact (+ 1 1) \n => 2)")
=> {:type :test :indentation 2 :code "(+ 1 1) \n => 2"}
raw docstring


(parse-facts-form nav)

converts a facts zipper into an element

(-> (nav/parse-string "(facts (+ 1 1) \n => 2)") (parse-facts-form)) => {:type :test :indentation 2 :code "(+ 1 1) \n => 2"}

converts a facts zipper into an element

(-> (nav/parse-string "(facts (+ 1 1) \n => 2)")
=> {:type :test :indentation 2 :code "(+ 1 1) \n => 2"}
raw docstring


(parse-file file {:keys [root] :as opts})

parses the entire file

parses the entire file
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(parse-inner nav f output current opts)

parses the inner form of the fact and comment function

parses the inner form of the fact and comment function
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(parse-is-form nav)

converts an is form into an element (-> (nav/parse-string "(is (= (+ 1 1) 2))") (parse-is-form)) => {:type :block, :indentation 2, :code "(+ 1 1)\n=> 2"}

converts an `is` form into an element
(-> (nav/parse-string "(is (= (+ 1 1) 2))")
=> {:type :block, :indentation 2, :code "(+ 1 1)\n=> 2"}
raw docstring


(parse-loop nav opts)
(parse-loop nav opts current output)

the main loop for the parser

(-> (nav/parse-root "(ns example.core) [[:chapter {:title "hello"}]] (+ 1 1) (+ 2 2)") (nav/down) (parse-loop {}))

=> (contains-in [{:type :ns-form, :indentation 0, :ns 'example.core, :code "(ns example.core)"} {:type :chapter, :title "hello"} {:type :code, :indentation 0, :code (contains ["(+ 1 1)" "(+ 2 2)"] :gaps-ok)}])

the main loop for the parser

(-> (nav/parse-root "(ns example.core) 
                     [[:chapter {:title \"hello\"}]] 
                     (+ 1 1) 
                     (+ 2 2)")
    (parse-loop {}))

=> (contains-in
    [{:type :ns-form,
     :indentation 0,
      :ns 'example.core,
      :code "(ns example.core)"}
     {:type :chapter, :title "hello"}
     {:type :code, :indentation 0, :code (contains ["(+ 1 1)"
                                                    "(+ 2 2)"]
raw docstring


(parse-ns-form nav)

converts a ns zipper into an element

(-> (nav/parse-string "(ns example.core)") (parse-ns-form)) => {:type :ns-form :indentation 0 :meta {} :ns 'example.core :code "(ns example.core)"}

converts a ns zipper into an element

(-> (nav/parse-string "(ns example.core)")
=> {:type :ns-form
    :indentation 0
    :meta {}
    :ns 'example.core
    :code "(ns example.core)"}
raw docstring


(parse-paragraph nav)

converts a string zipper into an element

(-> (nav/parse-string ""this is a paragraph"") (parse-paragraph)) => {:type :paragraph :text "this is a paragraph"}

converts a string zipper into an element

(-> (nav/parse-string "\"this is a paragraph\"")
=> {:type :paragraph :text "this is a paragraph"}
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(parse-single nav)

parse a single zloc

parse a single zloc
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(parse-whitespace nav)

coverts a whitespace zipper into an element

(-> (nav/parse-root "1 2 3") (nav/down) (nav/right*) (parse-whitespace)) => {:type :whitespace, :code [" "]}

coverts a whitespace zipper into an element

(-> (nav/parse-root "1 2 3")
=> {:type :whitespace, :code [" "]}
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(wrap-line-info f)

helper to add the line information to the parser (used by parse-loop)

helper to add the line information to the parser (used by `parse-loop`)
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(wrap-meta f)

if form is meta, then go down a level

if form is meta, then go down a level
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