seed function for analyse-test
(analyse-test :fact (nav/parse-root (slurp "test/code/framework_test.clj")))
seed function for analyse-test (analyse-test :fact (nav/parse-root (slurp "test/code/framework_test.clj")))
(display-entry entry)
creates a map represenation of the entry
(display-entry {:ns {:a {:test {} :source {}} :b {:test {}} :c {:source {}}}}) => {:source {:ns [:a :c]} :test {:ns [:a :b]}}
creates a map represenation of the entry (display-entry {:ns {:a {:test {} :source {}} :b {:test {}} :c {:source {}}}}) => {:source {:ns [:a :c]} :test {:ns [:a :b]}}
(entry m)
creates an entry for analysis
(entry {:ns {:a {:test {} :source {}} :b {:test {}} :c {:source {}}}}) ;;#code{:source {:ns [:a :c]}, :test {:ns [:a :b]}} => code.framework.common.Entry
creates an entry for analysis (entry {:ns {:a {:test {} :source {}} :b {:test {}} :c {:source {}}}}) ;;#code{:source {:ns [:a :c]}, :test {:ns [:a :b]}} => code.framework.common.Entry
(entry? x)
checks if object is an entry
(entry? (entry {})) => true
checks if object is an entry (entry? (entry {})) => true
(gather-meta nav)
gets the metadata for a particular form (-> (nav/parse-string "^{:refer clojure.core/+ :added "1.1"}\n(fact ...)") nav/down nav/right nav/down gather-meta) => '{:added "1.1", :ns clojure.core, :var +, :refer clojure.core/+}
gets the metadata for a particular form (-> (nav/parse-string "^{:refer clojure.core/+ :added \"1.1\"}\n(fact ...)") nav/down nav/right nav/down gather-meta) => '{:added "1.1", :ns clojure.core, :var +, :refer clojure.core/+}
(gather-string nav)
creates correctly spaced code string from normal docstring
(-> (nav/parse-string ""hello\nworld\nalready"") (gather-string) (block/string)) => ""hello\n world\n already""
creates correctly spaced code string from normal docstring (-> (nav/parse-string "\"hello\nworld\nalready\"") (gather-string) (block/string)) => "\"hello\n world\n already\""
(line-lookup ns analysis)
creates a function lookup for the project
creates a function lookup for the project
lists the framework that a namespace uses
(test-frameworks 'code.test) => :fact
(test-frameworks 'clojure.test) => :clojure
lists the framework that a namespace uses (test-frameworks 'code.test) => :fact (test-frameworks 'clojure.test) => :clojure
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