(has-container? {:keys [id group] :or {group "testing"}})
checks that a container exists
checks that a container exists
(list-containers opts tail)
gets all local containers
(list-containers) => vector?
gets all local containers (list-containers) => vector?
(raw-command command & [opts tail])
executes a docker command
executes a docker command
(start-container {:keys [group id image cmd flags labels volumes environment
ports expose remove detached no-host]
:as m
:or {remove true detached true group "testing"}}
starts a container
starts a container
(start-reaped {:keys [group id image cmd flags labels environment volumes ports
remove detached]
:as m
:or {group "testing"}})
starts a reaped container
starts a reaped container
(start-runtime rt container)
starts a runtime with attached container
starts a runtime with attached container
(stop-container {:keys [group id] :as m :or {group "testing"}})
stops a container
stops a container
(stop-runtime rt container)
stops a runtime with attached container
stops a runtime with attached container
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