(create-debounce {:keys [options] :as dispatch})
creates the debounce executor
creates the debounce executor
(create-dispatch {:keys [hooks options] :as m})
creates the hub executor
;; Non Sorted (->> (test-scaffold +test-config+ 20 5 5) second (map :id) (sort)) => (range 25)
creates the hub executor ;; Non Sorted (->> (test-scaffold +test-config+ 20 5 5) second (map :id) (sort)) => (range 25)
(create-hub-handler {:keys [runtime] :as dispatch})
creates the hub handler
creates the hub handler
(kill-dispatch {:keys [runtime hooks] :as dispatch})
kills the hub executor
kills the hub executor
(process-hub {:keys [handler options] :as dispatch} group hub)
activates on debounce submit hit
activates on debounce submit hit
(put-hub {:keys [runtime options] :as dispatch} group entry)
puts an entry into the group hubs
puts an entry into the group hubs
(start-dispatch {:keys [runtime] :as dispatch})
starts the hub executor
starts the hub executor
(stop-dispatch {:keys [runtime hooks] :as dispatch})
stops the hub executor
stops the hub executor
(submit-dispatch {:keys [options runtime] :as dispatch} entry)
submits to the hub executor
submits to the hub executor
(update-debounce-handler! {:keys [runtime] :as dispatch})
updates the debounce handler
updates the debounce handler
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