(dom-set-state {:keys [state key cursor new transform mute]
:or {transform identity}})
sets a state given function params
(def -state- (atom {}))
(do (dom-set-state {:state -state- :key :hello :new 1 :transform str}) @-state-) => {:hello "1"}
sets a state given function params (def -state- (atom {})) (do (dom-set-state {:state -state- :key :hello :new 1 :transform str}) @-state-) => {:hello "1"}
(react ref)
(react ref path & more)
call to react, for use within component
(binding [react (volatile! #{})] (react (atom {:data 1}) [:data])) => 1
call to react, for use within component (binding [*react* (volatile! #{})] (react (atom {:data 1}) [:data])) => 1
(reactive-pre-remove dom)
removes the react key and react store
(-> (doto (base/dom-create :mock/label) (reactive-pre-render :hello) (reactive-pre-remove)) :cache) => {}
removes the react key and react store (-> (doto (base/dom-create :mock/label) (reactive-pre-render :hello) (reactive-pre-remove)) :cache) => {}
(reactive-pre-render dom)
(reactive-pre-render dom key)
sets up the react key and react store
(-> (doto (base/dom-create :mock/label) (reactive-pre-render :hello)) :cache) => {:react/key :hello, :react/store #{}}
sets up the react key and react store (-> (doto (base/dom-create :mock/label) (reactive-pre-render :hello)) :cache) => {:react/key :hello, :react/store #{}}
(reactive-wrap-template template-fn)
reactive wrapper function for :template
reactive wrapper function for :template
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