(invoke-intern-object name config body)
(invoke-intern-object _
{:keys [type extend tag read write display] :as config}
creates an invoke form for an object
(framework/invoke-intern-object '-cl-context- {:type org.eclipse.jgit.lib.PersonIdent :tag "person" :exclude [:time-zone]} '([] nil))
creates an invoke form for an object (framework/invoke-intern-object '-cl-context- {:type org.eclipse.jgit.lib.PersonIdent :tag "person" :exclude [:time-zone]} '([] nil))
(map-like & {:as classes})
creates an accessibility layer for map-like objects
(framework/map-like org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit {:tag "commit" :include [:commit-time :name :author-ident :full-message]})
(framework/map-like org.eclipse.jgit.lib.PersonIdent {:tag "person" :exclude [:time-zone]})
(framework/map-like org.eclipse.jgit.api.Status {:tag "status" :display (fn [m] (reduce-kv (fn [out k v] (if (and (or (instance? java.util.Collection v) (instance? java.util.Map v)) (empty? v)) out (assoc out k v))) {} m))})
creates an accessibility layer for map-like objects (framework/map-like org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit {:tag "commit" :include [:commit-time :name :author-ident :full-message]}) (framework/map-like org.eclipse.jgit.lib.PersonIdent {:tag "person" :exclude [:time-zone]}) (framework/map-like org.eclipse.jgit.api.Status {:tag "status" :display (fn [m] (reduce-kv (fn [out k v] (if (and (or (instance? java.util.Collection v) (instance? java.util.Map v)) (empty? v)) out (assoc out k v))) {} m))})
(string-like & {:as classes})
creates an accessibility layer for string-like objects
(framework/string-like java.io.File {:tag "path" :read (fn [^java.io.File f] (.getPath f)) :write (fn [^String path] (java.io.File. path))})
(object/to-data (java.io.File. "/home")) => "/home"
(object/from-data "/home" java.io.File) => java.io.File
;; Enums are automatically string-like
(object/to-data java.lang.Thread$State/NEW) => "NEW"
creates an accessibility layer for string-like objects (framework/string-like java.io.File {:tag "path" :read (fn [^java.io.File f] (.getPath f)) :write (fn [^String path] (java.io.File. path))}) (object/to-data (java.io.File. "/home")) => "/home" (object/from-data "/home" java.io.File) => java.io.File ;; Enums are automatically string-like (object/to-data java.lang.Thread$State/NEW) => "NEW"
(unextend cls)
unextend a given class from the object framework
(framework/unextend org.eclipse.jgit.lib.PersonIdent) ;;=> [[#multifn[-meta-read 0x4ead3109] nil #multifn[print-method 0xcd219d4]]]
unextend a given class from the object framework (framework/unextend org.eclipse.jgit.lib.PersonIdent) ;;=> [[#multifn[-meta-read 0x4ead3109] nil #multifn[print-method 0xcd219d4]]]
(vector-like & {:as classes})
creates an accessibility layer for vector-like objects
(framework/vector-like org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk {:tag "commits" :read (fn [^org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk walk] (->> walk (.iterator) object/to-data))})
creates an accessibility layer for vector-like objects (framework/vector-like org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk {:tag "commits" :read (fn [^org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk walk] (->> walk (.iterator) object/to-data))})
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