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Command handling pipeline

This describes an overview of how yetibot takes raw input and passes it through its command handling pipeline.

Raw input

yetibot.core.handler/handle-raw is passed params from an adapter:

  • chat-source e.g. {:adapter :irc :room "#clojure"}
  • user e.g. {:last-active #<DateTime 2014-07-16T17:28:59.363Z>, :name devth, :username devth, :id ~devth, :user ~devth, :nick devth}
  • event-type one of: :message, :leave, :enter, :sound, :kick
  • body–this is the actual text the user wrote. Only event-types of :message have a body. Otherwise it is nil. When not nil, handle-raw checks to see if the body is prefixed with !. If it is, handle-raw strips the leading ! and yetibot.core.handler/handle-unprased-expr is called with chat-source, user, and body.

Unparsed expression handling

Raw, unparsed expression are passed to yetibot.core.handler/handle-unprased-expr, along with the user and body. handle-unprased-expr sets a binding for the latter 2, then parses and evaluates the expression using yetibot.core.parser/parse-and-eval.


yetibot.core.parser is an Instaparse parser, which fully specifies the yetibot grammar, including arbitrarily-nested subexpressions, piped commands and literals. Once a raw expression is parsed into an AST, it is evaluated using Instaparse's transform helper, which takes a map of AST keys to functions. The important function here is yetibot.core.interpreter/handle-expr which takes any number of individual commands to be reduced using pipe semantics.


handle-expr literally reduces its cmds arguments over the yetibot.core.interpreter/pipe-cmds. Each command is evaluated from left to right, and each evaluation output is passed as arguments to the next command. Command output can either be a single value, or a collection of values. This affects the method pipe-cmds will pass it to the next comand:

  • Single value: pipe-cmds will simply append it using yetibot.core.util/psuedo-format, which is similar to clojure.core/format except it will append the value at the end of the string if there is not a %s placeholder present, and if there are multiple %ss present, it will replace all of them with the value.
  • Collection: pipe-cmds passes the collection as an optional :opts key in the extra argument to yetibot.core.interpreter/handle-cmd, letting individual commands do whatever they like with the :opts. For example, many of the yetibot.core.commands.collections commands require a :opts key as they primarily operate on collections.

yetibot.core.interpreter/handle-cmd is the function that gets hooked by yetibot.core.hooks. Each command in the yetibot.core.interpreter/hooks collection gets to look at the args and decide whether it can handle the input or not. As soon as a single command handles it, evaluation is complete. If no command handles it, handle-cmd will fallback on google image search.

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