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Implementations of core Apache Kafka and Franzy deserializers. For more serializers, see Franzy docs.

Implementations of core Apache Kafka and Franzy deserializers.
For more serializers, see Franzy docs.
raw docstring



Kafka raw byte array deserializer. Useful for value deserialization.

Kafka raw byte array deserializer.
Useful for value deserialization.
sourceraw docstring


(debug-deserializer logging-fn deserializer)

Simple debug serializer that wraps your deserializer and desired logging function. The logging function should take at least a single arity. The function will receive a map of state information with the following possible keys, which you may choose to destructure accordingly:

  • :deserializer - An instance of the deserializer itself
  • :fn - Keyword name of the function being logged. Possible values [:configure :serialize :close]
  • :configs - Optional, present when configuring serializer, and only applicable for certain types of serializers
  • :is-key - Optional, present when configuring the serializer, and only applicable for certain types of serializers
  • :topic The topic being serialized, when calling serialize.
  • :data The data being serialized, when calling serialize.

Example usage:

(debug-deserializer (fn [{:keys [fn deserializer configs is-key topic data] :as m}] (timbre/debug "full debug map:" m) (when data (timbre/info "data:" data))) (edn-deserializer))

Simple debug serializer that wraps your deserializer and desired logging function.
The logging function should take at least a single arity.
The function will receive a map of state information with the following possible keys, which you may choose to destructure accordingly:

* :deserializer - An instance of the deserializer itself
* :fn - Keyword name of the function being logged. Possible values `[:configure :serialize :close]`
* :configs - Optional, present when configuring serializer, and only applicable for certain types of serializers
* :is-key - Optional, present when configuring the serializer, and only applicable for certain types of serializers
* :topic The topic being serialized, when calling serialize.
* :data The data being serialized, when calling serialize.

Example usage:

        (fn [{:keys [fn deserializer configs is-key topic data] :as m}]
          (timbre/debug "full debug map:" m)
          (when data
            (timbre/info "data:" data)))
sourceraw docstring


(deserializer deserialize-fn)
(deserializer deserialize-fn configure-fn close-fn)


(edn-deserializer opts)

An EDN deserializer for Kafka. Contents of each item serialized must fit in memory.

Note: Any users of EDN deserializers should note the usual serialization/deserialization attack vectors. You should always validate any data before it is serialized so that an attack may not be executed on deserialization. Although EDN facilities try to protect you against this, nothing in this life is ever for sure. Be vigilant.

An EDN deserializer for Kafka.
Contents of each item serialized must fit in memory.

> Note: Any users of EDN deserializers should note the usual serialization/deserialization attack vectors.
You should always validate any data before it is serialized so that an attack may not be executed on deserialization.
Although EDN facilities try to protect you against this, nothing in this life is ever for sure. Be vigilant.
sourceraw docstring



Kafka integer deserializer. Useful for key deserialization.

Kafka integer deserializer.
Useful for key deserialization.
sourceraw docstring



A deserializer that deserializes string values as keywords. Useful for key deserializers.

A deserializer that deserializes string values as keywords.
Useful for key deserializers.
sourceraw docstring



Kafka long deserializer. Useful for key deserialization.

Kafka long deserializer.
Useful for key deserialization.
sourceraw docstring


(simple-edn-deserializer opts)

A Simple EDN deserializer for Kafka. Useful for value deserialization.

A Simple EDN deserializer for Kafka.
Useful for value deserialization.
sourceraw docstring



Kafka string deserializer. Useful for key deserialization.

Kafka string deserializer.
Useful for key deserialization.
sourceraw docstring

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