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A Clojure library for JSON Web Token(JWT) draft-ietf-oauth-json-web-token-19

Supporting algorithms

  • HS256, HS384, HS512
  • RS256, RS384, RS512
  • ES256, ES384, ES512

Not supporting

  • JSON Web Encryption (JWE)





(ns foo
    [clj-jwt.core  :refer :all]
    [clj-jwt.key   :refer [private-key]]
    [clj-time.core :refer [now plus days]]))

(def claim
  {:iss "foo"
   :exp (plus (now) (days 1))
   :iat (now)})

(def rsa-prv-key (private-key "rsa/private.key" "pass phrase"))
(def ec-prv-key  (private-key "ec/private.key"))

;; plain JWT
(-> claim jwt to-str)

;; HMAC256 signed JWT
(-> claim jwt (sign :HS256 "secret") to-str)

;; RSA256 signed JWT
(-> claim jwt (sign :RS256 rsa-prv-key) to-str)

;; ECDSA256 signed JWT
(-> claim jwt (sign :ES256 ec-prv-key) to-str)


(ns foo
    [clj-jwt.core  :refer :all]
    [clj-jwt.key   :refer [private-key public-key]]
    [clj-time.core :refer [now plus days]]))

(def claim
  {:iss "foo"
   :exp (plus (now) (days 1))
   :iat (now)})

(def rsa-prv-key (private-key "rsa/private.key" "pass phrase"))
(def rsa-pub-key (public-key  "rsa/public.key"))
(def ec-prv-key  (private-key "ec/private.key"))
(def ec-pub-key  (public-key  "ec/public.key"))

;; verify plain JWT
(let [token (-> claim jwt to-str)]
  (-> token str->jwt verify))

;; verify HMAC256 signed JWT
(let [token (-> claim jwt (sign :HS256 "secret") to-str)]
  (-> token str->jwt (verify "secret")))

;; verify RSA256 signed JWT
(let [token (-> claim jwt (sign :RS256 rsa-prv-key) to-str)]
  (-> token str->jwt (verify rsa-pub-key)))

;; verify ECDSA256 signed JWT
(let [token (-> claim jwt (sign :ES256 ec-prv-key) to-str)]
  (-> token str->jwt (verify ec-pub-key)))

You can specify algorithm name (OPTIONAL) for more secure verification.

(ns foo
    [clj-jwt.core  :refer :all]))

;; verify with specified algorithm
(let [key   "secret"
      token (-> {:foo "bar"} jwt (sign :HS256 key) to-str)]
  (-> token str->jwt (verify :HS256 key)) ;; => true
  (-> token str->jwt (verify :none key))) ;; => false


(ns foo
    [clj-jwt.core  :refer :all]))

(def claim
  {:iss "foo"
   :exp (plus (now) (days 1))
   :iat (now)})

;; decode plain JWT
(let [token (-> claim jwt to-str)]
  (println (-> token str->jwt :claims)))

;; decode signed JWT
(let [token (-> claim jwt (sign :HS256 "secret") to-str)]
  (println (-> token str->jwt :claims)))


Copyright © 2015 uochan

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.

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