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A library for managing configuration using environment variables and EDN configuration files.

The configuration is resolved in the following order, the variables found in later configurations will replace those declared earlier:

  1. config.edn on the classpath
  2. .lein-env file in the project directory
  3. .boot-env file in the project directory
  4. EDN file specified using the config environment variable
  5. Environment variables
  6. Java System properties

The library parses configuration keys into Clojure keywords with names lowercased, then _ and . characters converted to dashes, e.g:

  • foo_bar -> foo-bar
  • Foo_bar -> foo-bar
  • Foo.BAR -> foo-bar

The values are parsed using the following strategy:

  1. [0-9]+ -> number
  2. ^(true|false)$ -> boolean
  3. \w+ -> string
  4. try parse as EDN, and return the original value as the default

following environment variables:

* BOOL=true
* text="true"
* number=15
* quoted-number="12"
* edn_string="{:foo :bar :baz [1 2 \"foo\"]}"
* unparsed.text="some text here"

are translated as:

* :bool          true,
* :text          "true",
* :number        15,
* :quoted-number "12",
* :edn-string    {:foo :bar, :baz [1 2 "foo"]},
* :unparsed-text "some text here"


Include the following dependency in your project.clj file:

Clojars Project


The library will look for the config.edn file on the classpath. The contents of this file will be merged with the environment variables found in System/getenv and System/getProperties.

Setting up multiple configurations is done by adding profiles to project.clj. For example, if we wanted to have a dev and a prod config we would follow the following steps.

First, we create a config folder in the root of the project. Under the config we will create dev and prod folders. Each of this will contain a file called config.edn.

The configuration might look as follows:

{:db "jdbc:postgres://localhost/prod"}

Next, we will add the dependency and the profiles to our project.clj:

(defproject edn-config-test "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
  :description "FIXME: write description"
  :url ""
  :license {:name "Eclipse Public License"
            :url ""}
  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.8.0"]
                 [yogthos/config "0.8"]]
  :profiles {:prod {:resource-paths ["config/prod"]}
             :dev  {:resource-paths ["config/dev"]}}
  :main edn-config-test.core)

We can now access the config variables the config.edn found under the resource path specified in the profile. There are two ways of doing this. We can load a version of config defined as config.core/env:

(ns edn-config-test.core
  (:require [config.core :refer [env]])

(defn -main []
  (println (:db env)))

The config in env can be reloaded at runtime by calling the reload-env function.

Alternatively, we can call the config.core/load-env explicitly to mange the state of the config in the app. For example, if we use the mount library, we could write the following:

(ns edn-config-test.core
  (:require [mount.core :refer [defstate]]
            [config.core :refer [load-env]])

(defstate env
  :start (load-env))

  (defn -main []
    (println (:db env)))    

The application can be packaged using a specific profile by using the Leiningen with-profile option. For example, if we wanted to package with the prod profile then we'd run the following:

lein with-profile prod uberjar

The resulting jar will contain the config found in config/prod/config.edn.

java -jar target/edn-config-test.jar
=> jdbc:postgres://localhost/prod

Additionally, an environment property with the name config can be used to specify an external EDN configuration file.

For example, we can create a file called custom-config.edn that looks as follows:

{:db "jdbc:postgres://localhost/prod-custom"}

Then we can start the app and pass it the config environment variable pointing to the location of the file:

java -Dconfig="custom-config.edn" -jar target/edn-config-test.jar
=> jdbc:postgres://localhost/prod-custom


The yogthos/config project is based on the environ library.


Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, the same as Clojure.

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