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(cell content)
(cell content opts)

creates a propogation cell

(def cell-a (cell)) @cell-a => :hara.concurrent.propagate/nothing

(def cell-b (cell "Hello")) @cell-b => "Hello"

(cell-b "World") ;; invoking sets the state of the cell @cell-b => "World"

creates a propogation cell

(def cell-a (cell))
@cell-a => :hara.concurrent.propagate/nothing

(def cell-b (cell "Hello"))
@cell-b => "Hello"

(cell-b "World")    ;; invoking sets the state of the cell
@cell-b => "World"
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(cell-state {:keys [label content ref-fn]})

prepares the state of the cell

(cell-state {:label "a" :content "hello" :ref-fn atom}) => (just {:label "a" :content clojure.lang.Atom :propagators clojure.lang.Atom})

prepares the state of the cell

(cell-state {:label "a" :content "hello" :ref-fn atom})
=> (just {:label "a"
          :content clojure.lang.Atom
          :propagators clojure.lang.Atom})
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(deregister-propagator cell pg)


(notify-propagators cell)


(register-propagator cell pg)


(format-cells {:keys [label] :as cell})

styles the cells so they become easier to read

styles the cells so they become easier to read
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(propagate pg)

(link sources sink)
(link sources sink tf)
(link sources sink tf {:keys [label tdamp concurrent] :as options})

creates a propogation link between a set of input cells and an output cell

(def in-a (cell 1)) (def in-b (cell 2)) (def inter (cell)) (def in-c (cell 3)) (def out (cell))

(link [in-a in-b] inter +) (link [inter in-c] out +)

(in-a 10) @inter => 12 @out => 15

(in-b 100) @inter => 110 @out => 113

(in-c 1000) @inter => 110 @out => 1110

creates a propogation link between a set of input cells and an output cell

(def in-a  (cell 1))
(def in-b  (cell 2))
(def inter (cell))
(def in-c  (cell 3))
(def out   (cell))

(link [in-a in-b] inter +)
(link [inter in-c] out +)

(in-a 10)
@inter => 12
@out => 15

(in-b 100)
@inter => 110
@out => 113

(in-c 1000)
@inter => 110
@out => 1110
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(nothing? x)

checks if the value is nothing

(nothing? nil) => false

(nothing? :hara.concurrent.propagate/nothing) => true

checks if the value is nothing

(nothing? nil) => false

(nothing? :hara.concurrent.propagate/nothing)
=> true
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(propagation-transfer in-vals {:keys [tf tdamp out-cell]})

propagates values to the out-cells according to transfer function

(def out-cell (cell))

(propagation-transfer [1 2 3] {:tf + :tdamp = :out-cell out-cell})

@out-cell => 6

propagates values to the out-cells according to transfer function

(def out-cell (cell))

 [1 2 3]
 {:tf + :tdamp = :out-cell out-cell})

@out-cell => 6
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(propagator label)
(propagator label {:keys [in-cells out-cell tf tdamp concurrent] :as opts})

creates a propagator with a given label

(propagator "a" {:in-cells [(atom 1)] :out-cell [(atom nil)]})

creates a propagator with a given label

(propagator "a"
            {:in-cells [(atom 1)]
             :out-cell [(atom nil)]})
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(propagator-state {:keys [label in-cells out-cell tf tdamp concurrent]})

prepares the state of the propagator

prepares the state of the propagator
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(straight-through & [x])

passes the first input through

(straight-through 1) => 1

(straight-through 1 2 3) => 1

passes the first input through

(straight-through 1) => 1

(straight-through 1 2 3) => 1
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(unlink pg)

removes the propagation link between a set of cells

(def in-a (cell 1)) (def out (cell))

(def lk (link [in-a] out)) (in-a 10) @out => 10

(unlink lk) (in-a 100) @in-a 100 @out => 10

removes the propagation link between a set of cells

(def in-a  (cell 1))
(def out   (cell))

(def lk (link [in-a] out))
(in-a 10)
@out => 10

(unlink lk)
(in-a 100)
@in-a 100
@out => 10
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