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(assoc-print-vars read {:keys [tag print display]})

helper to assoc print vars in options

(print/assoc-print-vars {} {:tag "hello"}) => {:tag "hello"}

helper to assoc print vars in options

(print/assoc-print-vars {} {:tag "hello"})
=> {:tag "hello"}
raw docstring


(extend-print cls)

extend print-method function for a particular class

(macroexpand-1 '(print/extend-print test.Cat))

extend `print-method` function for a particular class

(macroexpand-1 '(print/extend-print test.Cat))
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(format-value v {:keys [tag print display]})

formats the object into a readable string

(print/format-value (test.Cat. "fluffy") {:tag "cat"}) => "#cat{:name "fluffy"}"

formats the object into a readable string

(print/format-value (test.Cat. "fluffy")
                    {:tag "cat"})
=> "#cat{:name "fluffy"}"
raw docstring

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