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(digest bytes algo)
(digest bytes algo {:keys [provider] :as opts})

creates a digest out of a byte array

(digest) => (contains ["MD2" "MD5" "SHA" "SHA-224" "SHA-256" "SHA-384" "SHA-512"])

(-> (digest (.getBytes "hello world") "SHA") (encode/to-hex)) => "2aae6c35c94fcfb415dbe95f408b9ce91ee846ed"

creates a digest out of a byte array

=> (contains ["MD2" "MD5" "SHA" "SHA-224"
              "SHA-256" "SHA-384" "SHA-512"])

(-> (digest (.getBytes "hello world")
=> "2aae6c35c94fcfb415dbe95f408b9ce91ee846ed"
raw docstring


(hmac bytes key)
(hmac bytes key {:keys [algorithm provider] :as opts})

creates a key encrypted digest

(-> (hmac (.getBytes "hello world") {:type "HmacSHA1", :mode :secret, :format "RAW", :encoded "wQ0lyydDSEFRKviwv/2BoWVQDpj8hbUiUXytuWj7Yv8="}) (encode/to-hex)) => "a6f9e08fad62f63a35c6fd320f4249c9ad3079dc"

creates a key encrypted digest

 (-> (hmac (.getBytes "hello world")
           {:type "HmacSHA1",
            :mode :secret,
            :format "RAW",
            :encoded "wQ0lyydDSEFRKviwv/2BoWVQDpj8hbUiUXytuWj7Yv8="})
=> "a6f9e08fad62f63a35c6fd320f4249c9ad3079dc"
raw docstring


(init-hmac mac key {:keys [params]})

initializes the hmac algorithm

initializes the hmac algorithm
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(sign bytes key {:keys [algorithm provider] :as opts})

creates a signature using a private key

(sign) ;; => (contains ["MD2withRSA" "MD5andSHA1withRSA" "MD5withRSA" ;; "NONEwithDSA" "NONEwithECDSA" "SHA1withDSA" ;; "SHA1withECDSA" "SHA1withRSA" "SHA224withDSA" ;; "SHA224withECDSA" "SHA224withRSA" "SHA256withDSA" ;; "SHA256withECDSA" "SHA256withRSA" "SHA384withECDSA" ;; "SHA384withRSA" "SHA512withECDSA" "SHA512withRSA"] ;; :in-any-order)

(-> (sign (.getBytes "hello world") {:type "RSA", :mode :private, :format "PKCS#8", :encoded (apply str ["MIIBVQIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCAT8wggE7AgEAAkEAmrOdqA5ZGMJ6" "55meZCnj44B65ZUXnAscXu7GJcNQO91Z7B9NmWX/P59BBUC/yJ6s/ugEffhP" "wCYJt013GkV6tQIDAQABAkBJxzV+C3G0XDOvNlUSoeO8AO8bhJIg6i+amrdH" "FTGzimwp/eyOGZlXpHcaK57kSBK4npXgfWCFFLNuvAtCrQ91AiEA0McEFHMS" "MTVU/78kDYSsJ+lty6izxkONp/XZ4+T6BDsCIQC9sWmBYAFDfiHvLnv2NT7O" "08LR+UnNuDalduukc649zwIhAKXHEadHRA/M4GR/Gxqc2bKLeUJ4/98TrvzK" "jCyYmioXAiAiOg2wY1M3C14yGvARB6ByjzD61AEmFlP93Qw9mwXYbwIhALR/" "Uv4DvJJbR7mpRXcRCo9Me1wawdCndM5ZyF7Hvpu4"])} {:algorithm "MD5withRSA"}) (encode/to-hex)) => (apply str ["5ba863c3e24c73f09d50749698ae82406490c" "edc4566810461480e37da661754b7bf33cc6b" "bf0f48646304c8994202d2fd7094e7420049f" "eaa512c8cd72d7000"])

creates a signature using a private key

;; => (contains ["MD2withRSA" "MD5andSHA1withRSA" "MD5withRSA"
;;               "NONEwithDSA" "NONEwithECDSA" "SHA1withDSA"
;;               "SHA1withECDSA" "SHA1withRSA" "SHA224withDSA"
;;               "SHA224withECDSA" "SHA224withRSA" "SHA256withDSA"
;;               "SHA256withECDSA" "SHA256withRSA" "SHA384withECDSA"
;;               "SHA384withRSA" "SHA512withECDSA" "SHA512withRSA"]
;;              :in-any-order)

(-> (sign
     (.getBytes "hello world")
     {:type "RSA",
      :mode :private,
      :format "PKCS#8",
      (apply str
     {:algorithm "MD5withRSA"})
=> (apply str ["5ba863c3e24c73f09d50749698ae82406490c"
raw docstring


(verify bytes signature key {:keys [algorithm provider] :as opts})

verifies a signature using a public key

(verify (.getBytes "hello world") (->> ["5ba863c3e24c73f09d50749698ae82406490c" "edc4566810461480e37da661754b7bf33cc6b" "bf0f48646304c8994202d2fd7094e7420049f" "eaa512c8cd72d7000"] (apply str) (encode/from-hex)) {:type "RSA", :mode :public, :format "X.509", :encoded (apply str ["MFwwDQYJKoZIhvcNAQEBBQADSwAwSA" "JBAJqznagOWRjCeueZnmQp4+OAeuWV" "F5wLHF7uxiXDUDvdWewfTZll/z+fQQ" "VAv8ierP7oBH34T8AmCbdNdxpFerUC" "AwEAAQ=="])} {:algorithm "MD5withRSA"}) => true

verifies a signature using a public key

(verify (.getBytes "hello world")
        (->> ["5ba863c3e24c73f09d50749698ae82406490c"
             (apply str)
        {:type "RSA",
         :mode :public,
         :format "X.509",
         (apply str
        {:algorithm "MD5withRSA"})
=> true
raw docstring

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