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(add-authentication {:keys [id] :as repository}
                    {:keys [manual ring-file cred-file]
                     :or {cred-file user/LEIN-CREDENTIALS-GPG
                          ring-file user/GNUPG-SECRET}})

decrypts credentials.gpg and inserts the right authentication

(add-authentication {:id "clojars"} {})

decrypts credentials.gpg and inserts the right authentication

(add-authentication {:id "clojars"}
raw docstring


(add-digest artifacts)

adds MD5 and SHA1 digests to all artifacts

(add-digest [{:file "project.clj", :extension "clj"}]) => [{:file "project.clj.md5", :extension "clj.md5"} {:file "project.clj.sha1", :extension "clj.sha1"} {:file "project.clj", :extension "clj"}]

adds MD5 and SHA1 digests to all artifacts

(add-digest [{:file "project.clj",
              :extension "clj"}])
=> [{:file "project.clj.md5", :extension "clj.md5"}
    {:file "project.clj.sha1", :extension "clj.sha1"}
    {:file "project.clj", :extension "clj"}]
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(compile-project project)

creates the jar and pom files

(compile-project (project/project))

creates the jar and pom files

(compile-project (project/project))
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(create-digest algorithm suffix {:keys [file extension] :as artifact})

creates a digest given a file and a digest type

(create-digest "MD5" "md5" {:file "project.clj" :extension "clj"}) => {:file "project.clj.md5", :extension "clj.md5"}

creates a digest given a file and a digest type

(create-digest "MD5"
               {:file "project.clj"
                :extension "clj"})
=> {:file "project.clj.md5",
    :extension "clj.md5"}
raw docstring


(deploy-project project)
(deploy-project project {:keys [id authentication] :or {id "clojars"}})

creates the jar and pom files and deploys to clojars

(deploy-project (project/project))

creates the jar and pom files and deploys to clojars

(deploy-project (project/project))
raw docstring


(generate-jar project)

creates a jar file for the project

(generate-jar (project/project))

creates a jar file for the project

(generate-jar (project/project))
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(generate-pom project)

generates all the pom information for the project

(pom-xml (project/project))

generates all the pom information for the project

(pom-xml (project/project))
raw docstring


(install-project project)

creates the jar and pom files and installs to local-repo

(install-project (project/project))

creates the jar and pom files and installs to local-repo

(install-project (project/project))
raw docstring


(list-dependencies coordinates)
(list-dependencies coordinates {:keys [repositories] :as opts})

list the dependencies for a particular coordinate

(list-dependencies '[[im.chit/hara.test "2.4.8"]]) => '[[im.chit/hara.class.enum "2.4.8"] [im.chit/hara.class.inheritance "2.4.8"] [im.chit/hara.common.checks "2.4.8"] [im.chit/hara.common.error "2.4.8"] [im.chit/hara.common.primitives "2.4.8"] [im.chit/hara.common.string "2.4.8"] [im.chit/ "2.4.8"] [im.chit/ "2.4.8"] [im.chit/hara.event "2.4.8"] [im.chit/ "2.4.8"] [im.chit/ "2.4.8"] [im.chit/ "2.4.8"] [im.chit/hara.namespace.import "2.4.8"] [im.chit/hara.protocol.string "2.4.8"] [im.chit/ "2.4.8"] [im.chit/hara.test "2.4.8"]]

list the dependencies for a particular coordinate

(list-dependencies '[[im.chit/hara.test "2.4.8"]])
=> '[[im.chit/hara.class.enum "2.4.8"]
     [im.chit/hara.class.inheritance "2.4.8"]
     [im.chit/hara.common.checks "2.4.8"]
     [im.chit/hara.common.error "2.4.8"]
     [im.chit/hara.common.primitives "2.4.8"]
     [im.chit/hara.common.string "2.4.8"]
     [im.chit/ "2.4.8"]
    [im.chit/ "2.4.8"]
     [im.chit/hara.event "2.4.8"]
     [im.chit/ "2.4.8"]
     [im.chit/ "2.4.8"]
     [im.chit/ "2.4.8"]
     [im.chit/hara.namespace.import "2.4.8"]
     [im.chit/hara.protocol.string "2.4.8"]
     [im.chit/ "2.4.8"]
     [im.chit/hara.test "2.4.8"]]
raw docstring


(pull coord)

pulls down the necessary dependencies from maven and adds it to the project

(pull '[org.clojure/core.match "0.2.2"]) => '[[org.clojure/core.cache "0.6.3"] [org.clojure/core.match "0.2.2"] [org.clojure/core.memoize "0.5.6"] [org.clojure/data.priority-map "0.0.2"] [org.clojure/tools.analyzer "0.1.0-beta12"] [org.clojure/tools.analyzer.jvm "0.1.0-beta12"] [org.ow2.asm/asm-all "4.1"]]

pulls down the necessary dependencies from maven and adds it to the project

(pull '[org.clojure/core.match "0.2.2"])
=> '[[org.clojure/core.cache "0.6.3"]
     [org.clojure/core.match "0.2.2"]
     [org.clojure/core.memoize "0.5.6"]
     [org.clojure/data.priority-map "0.0.2"]
     [org.clojure/tools.analyzer "0.1.0-beta12"]
    [org.clojure/tools.analyzer.jvm "0.1.0-beta12"]
     [org.ow2.asm/asm-all "4.1"]]
raw docstring


(resolve-with-dependencies x context)
(resolve-with-dependencies x context {:keys [repositories] :as opts})

resolves an entry with all artifact dependencies

(resolve-with-dependencies ' '[im.chit/hara.test "2.4.8"]) => '[[im.chit/ "2.4.8"] "hara/data/map.clj"]

resolves an entry with all artifact dependencies

(resolve-with-dependencies '
                           '[im.chit/hara.test "2.4.8"])
=> '[[im.chit/ "2.4.8"]
raw docstring


(sign-file {:keys [file extension]}
           {:keys [signing suffix ring-file]
            :or {suffix "asc" ring-file user/GNUPG-SECRET}})

signs a file with gpg

(sign-file {:file "project.clj" :extension "clj"} {:signing (-> lucid.package.user/LEIN-PROFILE :user)})

signs a file with gpg

(sign-file {:file "project.clj" :extension "clj"}
          {:signing (-> lucid.package.user/LEIN-PROFILE
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