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gooφ is a Gopher implementation written in Clojure. It comes with the following features:

  • self-explanatory & powerful routing syntax
  • built-in filesystem module
  • built-in HTTP redirection module
  • Aleph compatibility


The library can be installed from Clojars using Leiningen:

Clojars Project

Quick overview

Routing & entities

A Gopher request is represented as a map. It has the following keys:

  • path: selector
  • query: search string
  • params: parameters found in selector

The routing module converts a Gopher request to a map & evaluates a function returning an entity.

(require '[goophi.core :as c]
         '[goophi.routing :as r]
         '[goophi.response :as res])

(def hello-world
    (res/menu-entity (c/info "hello world"))))

(res/dumps (hello-world ""))

-> ihello world    fake    (NULL)  0
-> .

filesystem module

gooφ has a built-in filesystem module with gophermap support.

(require '[goophi.fs :as fs])

(def fs-example
    [:as req]
    (fs/get-contents "./pub" (:path req))))

(res/dumps (fs-example "helloworld.txt"))

->   |\__/,|   (`\
->  _.|o o  |_   ) )
-> -(((---(((--------
-> .

Hostname and port are specified in the configuration file (config.edn). gooφ uses confick for configuration management.

redirection module

URLs are displayed on an HTML redirection page.

(require '[goophi.redirect :as html])

(def redirect-example
    [:as req]
    (if-let [url (html/selector->url (:path req))]
      (html/redirect url)
      (res/menu-entity (c/info "Not found.")))))

(res/dumps (redirect-example "URL:"))


Build Aleph compatible request handlers with the tcp module.

(require '[aleph.tcp :as tcp]
         '[goophi.tcp :refer [->gopher-handler]])

(r/defroutes routes
     [:as req]
     (fs/get-contents "./pub" (:path req))))

 (->gopher-handler routes)
 {:port 70})

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