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Design Goals

Geni is designed primarily to be a good data-analysis tool that is optimised for frequent and rapid feedback from the data. The core design of Geni is informed by our personal experience working as a data scientist that requires asking many questions about the data and writing countless queries for it.

Fast, Accessible REPL

This is important when an idea randomly pops up, and we would like to know the answer here and now. The key here is to have a dataframe library that is accessible through a fast-starting REPL from any directory on the terminal. Geni's answer to this is the Geni CLI, which is essentially an executable script that starts a Clojure REPL (as well as an nREPL server), requires Geni namespaces and instantiates a SparkSession in parallel.

With Clojure and Spark sub-optimal startup times, Geni is clearly handicapped compared to R and Python. On our machine, the startup times are as follows:

Library/LanguageStartup Time (s)Command
R0.2time bash -c "exit \| R --no-save"
Python0.3time bash -c "exit \| ipython"
Geni7.3time bash -c "exit \| geni"
Spark Shell8.4time bash -c "echo sys.exit \| spark-shell"

It is clearly not as fast-starting as R and Python, but it is still good to use for sub-one-minute tasks. To illustrate this, suppose that we are working with the Melbourne housing dataset stored in data/melbourne.parquet, and we would like to know which region has the highest mean house price. Consider the following Python and Clojure snippets:

Python-Pandas Clojure-Geni
$ ipython
In [1]: import pandas as pd

In [2]: df = pd.read_parquet('data/melbourne.parquet')

In [3]: (df.groupby('Regionname') ...: .mean()['Price'] ...: .sort_values()) Out[3]: Regionname Western Victoria 3.975234e+05 Northern Victoria 5.948293e+05 Eastern Victoria 6.999808e+05 Western Metropolitan 8.664205e+05 Northern Metropolitan 8.981711e+05 South-Eastern Metropolitan 9.229438e+05 Eastern Metropolitan 1.104080e+06 Southern Metropolitan 1.372963e+06 ...

$ geni
geni-repl (user)
λ (def df (g/read-parquet! "data/melbourne.parquet"))
geni-repl (user)
λ (-> df
      (g/group-by :Regionname)
      (g/agg {:price (g/mean :Price)})
      (g/sort :price)
|Regionname                |price             |
|Western Victoria          |397523.4375       |
|Northern Victoria         |594829.268292683  |
|Eastern Victoria          |699980.7924528302 |
|Western Metropolitan      |866420.5200135686 |
|Northern Metropolitan     |898171.0822622108 |
|South-Eastern Metropolitan|922943.7844444445 |
|Eastern Metropolitan      |1104079.6342624065|
|Southern Metropolitan     |1372963.3693290735|

After timing a personal run, the Python-Pandas version took 24 seconds, whereas the Clojure-Geni version took 34 seconds. The Python-Pandas combination has a small edge for sub-one-minute tasks, but the Clojure-Geni combination has all the Clojure REPL facilities including tight text-editor integrations. These make for a better REPL experience for bigger tasks.

Data Wrangling Performance

One downside to the Python-Pandas combination is that the latter is single-threaded. This means that Pandas performance is very slow compared to other libraries for easily parallelisable tasks. To illustrate this point, consider the dummy retail data with 24 million transactions and over one million customers. Suppose that we would like to know how many transactions do the top brands have:

Python-Pandas Clojure-Geni
$ ipython
In [1]: import pandas as pd

In [2]: %time (pd.read_parquet('data/dummy_retail') ['brand-id'].value_counts()) CPU times: user 11 s, sys: 5.11 s, total: 16.1 s Wall time: 12.9 s Out[2]: 0 238757 1 236314 2 233277 3 231845 4 229180 ... 1224 1 1222 1 1218 1 1213 1 1826 1 Name: brand-id, Length: 1310, dtype: int64 ...

$ geni
λ (time (-> (g/read-parquet! "data/dummy_retail")
            (g/select "brand-id")
|brand-id|count |
|0       |238757|
|1       |236314|
|2       |233277|
|3       |231845|
|4       |229180|
|5       |226255|
|6       |225069|
|7       |222698|
|8       |220850|
|9       |217840|
"Elapsed time: 3447.6941 msecs"

In this case, we see around 3.7x performance for a very simple query. However, for more substantial queries, the speedups are typical greater - even up to 73x. See the simple performance benchmark post for a more detailed treatment.

Seamless Parasitism

First Class Clojure, First Class Spark

Easy Getting-Started Story

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