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Optional XGBoost Support

Geni will automatically detect whether the following optional dependencies are present:

[ml.dmlc/xgboost4j-spark_2.12 "1.0.0"]
[ml.dmlc/xgboost4j_2.12 "1.0.0"]

If so, the vars ml/xgboost-classifier and ml/xgboost-regressor will be bound to the appropriate functions. Otherwise, the vars will remain unbound.

An example of using XGBoost for classification:

(def xgb-model
    (ml/xgboost-classifier {:max-depth 2 :num-round 2})))

(-> dataframe
    (ml/transform xgb-model)
    (g/select :label :probability)
    (g/limit 5)

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