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Continuous Integration Code Coverage Clojars Project

WARNING! This library is still unstable. Some information here may be outdated. Do not use it in production just yet!

See Flambo and Sparkling for more mature alternatives.


geni (/gɜni/ or "gurney" without the r) is a Clojure library that wraps Apache Spark. The name comes from the Javanese word for fire.


Clojure is particularly well-suited for data wrangling due to its particular focus on fast feedback - most notably through its REPL. Being hosted on the JVM, Clojure interops well with Java (and, by extension, Scala) libaries. However, Spark's pleasant API in Scala becomes quite unidiomatic in Clojure. Geni aims to provide an ergonomic Spark interface for the Clojure REPL.

For instance, instead of making sure the types line up:

(-> dataframe
    (.groupBy "SellerG" (into-array java.lang.String ["Suburb"]))
      (.as (functions/mean "Price") "mean")
      (into-array Column [(.as (functions/stddev "Price") "std")
                          (.as (functions/min "Price") "min")
                          (.as (functions/max "Price") "max")]))

Geni allows us to write the following instead:

(-> dataframe                             ;; Threading macro as the main interface
    (group-by (lower "SellerG") "Suburb") ;; Mix Column and string types
      (-> (mean "Price") (as "mean"))     ;; No need to do into-array
      (-> (stddev "Price") (as "std"))
      (-> (min "Price") (as "min"))
      (-> (max "Price") (as "max")))

Instead of having to deal with interop:

(->> (.collect dataframe) ;; .collect returns an array of Spark rows
       (.. % toSeq))))    ;; returns a seq of seqs
                          ;; must zip into map to recover row-like maps

Geni's (collect dataframe) returns a seq of maps.

Finally, some Column functions such as +, <= and && become variadic as are expected in any Lisp dialects.


Spark SQL API for grouping and aggregating:

(require '[zero-one.geni.core :as g])

(-> melbourne-df
    (g/group-by "Suburb")
    (g/agg (-> (g/count "*") (g/as "n")))
    (g/order-by (g/desc "n"))
    (g/limit 5)
; +--------------+---+
; |Suburb        |n  |
; +--------------+---+
; |Reservoir     |359|
; |Richmond      |260|
; |Bentleigh East|249|
; |Preston       |239|
; |Brunswick     |222|
; +--------------+---+

MLlib's pipeline:

(require '[zero-one.geni.core :as g])
(require '[ :as ml])

(def training-set
    [[0 "a b c d e spark"  1.0]
     [1 "b d"              0.0]
     [2 "spark f g h"      1.0]
     [3 "hadoop mapreduce" 0.0]]
    [:id :text :label]))

(def pipeline
    (ml/tokenizer {:input-col "text"
                   :output-col "words"})
    (ml/hashing-tf {:num-features 1000
                    :input-col "words"
                    :output-col "features"})
    (ml/logistic-regression {:max-iter 10
                             :reg-param 0.001})))

(def model (ml/fit training-set pipeline))

(def test-set
    [[4 "spark i j k"]
     [5 "l m n"]
     [6 "spark hadoop spark"]
     [7 "apache hadoop"]]
    [:id :text]))

(-> test-set
    (ml/transform model)
    (g/select "id" "text" "probability" "prediction")
;; +---+------------------+----------------------------------------+----------+
;; |id |text              |probability                             |prediction|
;; +---+------------------+----------------------------------------+----------+
;; |4  |spark i j k       |[0.1596407738787411,0.8403592261212589] |1.0       |
;; |5  |l m n             |[0.8378325685476612,0.16216743145233883]|0.0       |
;; |6  |spark hadoop spark|[0.0692663313297627,0.9307336686702373] |1.0       |
;; |7  |apache hadoop     |[0.9821575333444208,0.01784246665557917]|0.0       |
;; +---+------------------+----------------------------------------+----------+

More detailed examples can be found here.

There is also a one-to-one walkthrough of Chapter 5 of NVIDIA's Accelerating Apache Spark 3.x, which can be found here.

Geni Semantics

Column Coercion

Many SQL functions and Column methods are overloaded to take either a string or a Column instance as argument. For such cases, Geni implements Column coercion where

  1. Column instances are left as they are,
  2. strings are interpreted as column names and;
  3. other values are interpreted as a literal Column.

Because of this, basic arithmetic operations do not require lit wrapping:

; The following two expressions are equivalent
(g/- (g// (g/sin Math/PI) (g/cos Math/PI)) (g/tan Math/PI))
(g/- (g// (g/sin (g/lit Math/PI)) (g/cos (g/lit Math/PI))) (g/tan (g/lit Math/PI)))

However, string literals do require lit wrapping:

; The following fails, because "Nelson" is interpreted as a Column
(-> dataframe (g/filter (g/=== "SellerG" "Nelson")))

; The following works, as it checks the column "SellerG" against "Nelson" as a literal
(-> dataframe (g/filter (g/=== "SellerG" (g/lit "Nelson"))))

Dataset Creation: ArrayType vs. VectorType

Inspired by Pandas' flexible DataFrame creation, Geni provides three main ways to create Spark Datasets:

; The following three expressions are equivalent
(g/table->dataset spark
                  [[1 "x"]
                   [2 "y"]
                   [3 "z"]]
                  [:a :b])
(g/map->dataset spark {:a [1 2 3] :b ["x" "y" "z"]})
(g/records->dataset spark [{:a 1 :b "x"}
                           {:a 2 :b "y"}
                           {:a 3 :b "z"}])

It it sometimes convenient to be able to create a Spark vector column, which is different to SQL array columns. For that reason, Geni provides an easy way to create vector columns, but it comes with a potential gotcha. A vector of numbers is interpreted as a Spark vector, but any list is always interpreted as a SQL array:

  (g/table->dataset spark
                    [[0.0 [0.5 10.0]]
                     [1.0 [1.5 30.0]]]
                    [:label :features]))
; root
;  |-- label: double (nullable = true)
;  |-- features: vector (nullable = true)

  (g/table->dataset spark
                    [[0.0 '(0.5 10.0)]
                     [1.0 '(1.5 30.0)]]
                    [:label :features]))
; root
;  |-- label: double (nullable = true)
;  |-- features: array (nullable = true)
;  |    |-- element: double (containsNull = true)

Quick Start

Use Leiningen to create a template of a Geni project:

lein new geni <project-name>

Step into the directory, and run the command lein run!


Note that geni wraps Apache Spark 2.4.5, which uses Scala 2.12, which has incomplete support for JDK 11. JDK 8 is recommended.

Add the following to your project.clj dependency:

Clojars Project

You would also need to add Spark as provided dependencies. For instance, have the following key-value pair for the :profiles map:

{:dependencies [[ml.dmlc/xgboost4j-spark_2.12 "1.0.0"]
                [ml.dmlc/xgboost4j_2.12 "1.0.0"]
                [org.apache.spark/spark-core_2.12 "2.4.5"]
                [org.apache.spark/spark-hive_2.12 "2.4.5"]
                [org.apache.spark/spark-mllib_2.12 "2.4.5"]
                [org.apache.spark/spark-sql_2.12 "2.4.5"]
                [org.apache.spark/spark-streaming_2.12 "2.4.5"]]}

Future Work


  • Data-oriented queries and pipeline stages.
  • Setup on GCP's Dataproc + guide.
  • Clojure docs.


Copyright 2020 Zero One Group.

geni is licensed under Apache License v2.0.


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