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A simple ID3v2 parser, written in Clojure. Supports most common features of ID3v2.3 and ID3v2.4.


Leiningen dependency:

[zsau/id3 "0.1.1"]


To parse the ID3 tag of an MP3:

(with-mp3 [mp3 "foo.mp3"] (:tag mp3))
; {:artist "Michael Jackson" :title "Smooth Criminal"}

To write a new MP3 file with modified tags:

(with-mp3 [mp3 "foo.mp3"]
  (write-mp3 "bar.mp3"
    (assoc-in mp3 [:tag :title] "Thriller")))

Or to overwrite an existing file's tags:

(overwrite-tag "foo.mp3"
  (with-mp3 [mp3 "foo.mp3"]
    (assoc (:tag mp3) :title "Thriller")))


When using this API, keep in mind the distinction between a "tag" (just the ID3 metadata; see read-tag) and an "mp3" (both the metadata and the audio data; see read-mp3).


(read-tag istream & opts)

Reads an ID3v2 tag from istream. The only option is :format, which determines the format into which the tag will be parsed. Values:

  • :simple (default) A basic format that supports only common ID3 frames, and only one value per text frame. For a list of supported frames and their keys, see the output of (frame-keywords N), where N is 3 (for ID3v2.3) or 4 (for ID3v2.4).
{:artist "Billy Joel", :title "Piano Man"}
  • :normal A more comprehensive format that should support all common cases. Note that values for text frames are sequential collections, because ID3v2.4 supports multiple values for all text frames.
{"TPE1" ["Billy Joel"], "TIT2" ["Piano Man"], "APIC" ({:content #<byte[] [B@6a331017>, :mime-type "image/png", :picture-type 3})}
  • :full Everything but the kitchen sink. This is way more info than you probably want or need, but it tells you nearly everything about the ID3 tag in gory detail.
{:size 2301322, :flags #{}, :version {:minor 0, :major 4}, :magic-number "ID3",
 :frames (
   {:encoding "ISO-8859-1", :content ["Billy Joel"], :size 11, :id "TPE1", :flags #{}}
   {:encoding "ISO-8859-1", :content ["Piano Man"], :size 10, :id "TIT2", :flags #{}}
   {:id "APIC", :size 696989, :flags #{}, :content #<byte[] [B@c720a30>, :description "cover", :picture-type 3, :mime-type "image/png"})}


(read-mp3 src & opts)

Parses the MP3 file at src (anything accepted by Returns a map with these keys:

  • :tag the parsed ID3 tag
  • :data an open input stream positioned after the ID3 tag (i.e. at the start of the MPEG frames). You need to close this stream when you're done with it, but see with-mp3.

Options as in read-tag.


(with-mp3 [sym src & opts] & body)

Convenience macro that evaluates body with sym bound to the mp3 at src, then closes the mp3's input stream. Options as in read-mp3.


(write-tag ostream tag & opts)

Writes an ID3v2 tag to ostream. Writes only the tag, not any audio data. Options:

  • :version ID3v2.x tag version to write (3 or 4, default 4)
  • :encoding character encoding to use for text frames, etc. ID3v2.3 supports ISO-8859-1 and UTF-16; ID3v2.4 supports those plus UTF-16BE and UTF-8.
  • :padding bytes of padding to write (default 1024)


(write-mp3 dest tag & opts)

Writes an mp3 (tag and audio data) to dest (anything accepted by Options as in write-tag.


(overwrite-tag path tag & opts)

Overwrites the ID3 tag of the existing MP3 file at path. Will avoid rewriting the file's audio data if possible. Options as in write-tag, but :padding may be ignored.


  • ID3v2.2 is unsupported.

  • Some uncommon features are unsupported, such as encryption, compression, and unsynchronisation. Notably, appended tags are unsupported because this is a stream-oriented library, and appended tags are impossible to parse from a stream without discarding or storing in memory the file's entire audio data.

  • Any frames that are not text, picture, or URL frames are currently just parsed as binary blobs. Let me know if there's another frame type you'd like to see supported.

  • Even though ID3v2.3 technically supports multiple values for certain text frames, this library always treats ID3v2.3 text frames as having a single value. This is because the spec uses / as a delimiter and makes no provision for escaping literal slashes, which makes it impossible to represent artists like AC/DC correctly (and in general makes round-tripping impossible). In addition, support for multiple values among other tag parsers is inconsistent. It's just too error-prone to handle at the parser level; if you want multiple values in ID3v2.3, you'll have to deal with them yourself.


Copyright © 2014 zsau

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.

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