* available since Chrome 35
(delete-activities activity-ids)
Deletes activities in the ActivityLog database specified in the array of activity IDs.
|activity-ids| - Erases only the activities which IDs are listed in the array.
This function returns a core.async channel of type promise-chan
which eventually receives a result value.
Signature of the result value put on the channel is [].
In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
Deletes activities in the ActivityLog database specified in the array of activity IDs. |activity-ids| - Erases only the activities which IDs are listed in the array. This function returns a core.async channel of type `promise-chan` which eventually receives a result value. Signature of the result value put on the channel is []. In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
(delete-activities-by-extension extension-id)
Deletes activities in the ActivityLog database specified by the extension ID.
|extension-id| - The ID of the extension to delete activities for.
This function returns a core.async channel of type promise-chan
which eventually receives a result value.
Signature of the result value put on the channel is [].
In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
Deletes activities in the ActivityLog database specified by the extension ID. |extension-id| - The ID of the extension to delete activities for. This function returns a core.async channel of type `promise-chan` which eventually receives a result value. Signature of the result value put on the channel is []. In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
Deletes the entire ActivityLog database.
Deletes the entire ActivityLog database.
(delete-urls urls)
Delete URLs in the ActivityLog database.
|urls| - Erases only the URLs listed; if empty, erases all URLs.
Delete URLs in the ActivityLog database. |urls| - Erases only the URLs listed; if empty, erases all URLs.
(get-extension-activities filter)
Retrieves activity from the ActivityLog that matches the specified filter.
|filter| - Fill out the fields that you want to search for in the database.
This function returns a core.async channel of type promise-chan
which eventually receives a result value.
Signature of the result value put on the channel is [result] where:
|result| - ?
In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
Retrieves activity from the ActivityLog that matches the specified filter. |filter| - Fill out the fields that you want to search for in the database. This function returns a core.async channel of type `promise-chan` which eventually receives a result value. Signature of the result value put on the channel is [result] where: |result| - ? In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
(tap-all-events chan)
Taps all valid non-deprecated events in chromex.app.activity-log-private namespace.
Taps all valid non-deprecated events in chromex.app.activity-log-private namespace.
(tap-on-extension-activity-events channel & args)
Fired when a given extension performs another activity.
Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-extension-activity [activity]] where:
|activity| - ?
Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
Fired when a given extension performs another activity. Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-extension-activity [activity]] where: |activity| - ? Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
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