Use the API to query storage device information and be notified when a removable storage device is attached and detached.
Use the API to query storage device information and be notified when a removable storage device is attached and detached. * available since Chrome 35 *
(eject-device id)
Ejects a removable storage device.
|id| -
This function returns a core.async channel of type promise-chan
which eventually receives a result value.
Signature of the result value put on the channel is [result] where:
|result| -
In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
Ejects a removable storage device. |id| - This function returns a core.async channel of type `promise-chan` which eventually receives a result value. Signature of the result value put on the channel is [result] where: |result| - In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
(get-available-capacity id)
Get the available capacity of a specified |id| storage device. The |id| is the transient device ID from StorageUnitInfo.
|id| -
This function returns a core.async channel of type promise-chan
which eventually receives a result value.
Signature of the result value put on the channel is [info] where:
|info| -
In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
Get the available capacity of a specified |id| storage device. The |id| is the transient device ID from StorageUnitInfo. |id| - This function returns a core.async channel of type `promise-chan` which eventually receives a result value. Signature of the result value put on the channel is [info] where: |info| - In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
Get the storage information from the system. The argument passed to the callback is an array of StorageUnitInfo objects.
This function returns a core.async channel of type promise-chan
which eventually receives a result value.
Signature of the result value put on the channel is [info] where:
|info| -
In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
Get the storage information from the system. The argument passed to the callback is an array of StorageUnitInfo objects. This function returns a core.async channel of type `promise-chan` which eventually receives a result value. Signature of the result value put on the channel is [info] where: |info| - In case of an error the channel closes without receiving any value and relevant error object can be obtained via chromex.error/get-last-error.
(tap-all-events chan)
Taps all valid non-deprecated events in namespace.
Taps all valid non-deprecated events in namespace.
(tap-on-attached-events channel & args)
Fired when a new removable storage is attached to the system.
Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-attached [info]] where:
|info| -
Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
Fired when a new removable storage is attached to the system. Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-attached [info]] where: |info| - Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
(tap-on-detached-events channel & args)
Fired when a removable storage is detached from the system.
Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-detached [id]] where:
|id| -
Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
Fired when a removable storage is detached from the system. Events will be put on the |channel| with signature [::on-detached [id]] where: |id| - Note: |args| will be passed as additional parameters into Chrome event's .addListener call.
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