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Alternatives to om.dom

There are a few libraries available that provide alternatives to om.dom.


Om-tools is a library by Prismatic to make writing Om components easier.

First, in project.clj, add om-tools as a dependency

  :dependencies [;; ...
                 [prismatic/om-tools "0.3.9" :exclusions [potemkin]]]

In core.cljs, replace [om.dom :as dom :include-macros true] with

[om-tools.dom :as dom :include-macros true]
[om-tools.core :refer-macros [defcomponent]]

If you still have a freshly generated Chestnut app, the only further change you need to do is remove the nil in (dom/h1 nil (:text app)).

Compared to om.dom, om-tools.dom does three things different for a cleaner syntax.

  • element attributes can be omitted (that's why the nil is no longer necessary), and can be Clojurescript maps. So the #js reader macro is not needed
  • attribute names are more Clojure-esque "natural". :className instead of :class, :onClick instead of :on-click
  • children can be collections, so you don't need to use apply to when setting a collection as children of an element

Have a look at the om-tools.dom docs for more examples.


Sablono provides Hiccup-style templating for Om.

First, in project.clj, add sablono as a dependency

  :dependencies [;; ...
                 [sablono "0.2.22"]]

In core.cljs, replace [om.dom :as dom :include-macros true] with

[sablono.core :as html :refer-macros [html]]

This h1 definition

(dom/h1 nil (:text app))


(html [:h1 (:text app)])

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