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  • Q: How can I get the features in the SNAPSHOT version?
    A: Use leiningen's --snapshot flag, e.g. lein new chestnut my-project --snapshot
  • Q: I'm seeing warnings while compiling ClojureScript.
    A: There are a few known warnings, but they should not affect the functioning of your app.
  • Q: I changed the {:text "Hello Chestnut!"} portion and saved the file, but the changes don't show up.
    A: It's a feature. The app-state is defined with defonce, so your application state doesn't reset every time you save a file. If you do want to reset after every change, change (defonce app-state ..) to (def app-state ...).
  • Q: I just want to compile ClojureScript to fully optimized JavaScript, so I can use it in a static HTML site.
    A: Invoke cljsbuild with the uberjar profile active, like this: lein with-profile -dev,+uberjar cljsbuild once, then look for resources/public/js/app.js.
  • Q I'm getting CompilerException java.lang.IllegalAccessError: in-seconds does not exist when using Spyscope 0.1.4 or earlier.
    A Upgrade to Spyscope 0.1.5, this issue is caused by an outdated dependency on cljs-time.
  • Q I upgraded the version of Om in project.clj, but it seems I'm still using the old version, what's up?
    A If you already did a build before, cljsbuild/figwheel won't pick up on the updated version automatically. Do a lein cljsbuild clean, then start Figwheel again.

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