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(init middleware)






(start-nrepl {:keys [handler middleware bind port] :as opts})

Starts a socket-based nREPL server. Accepts a map with the following keys:

  • :port — defaults to 0, which autoselects an open port

  • :bind — bind address, by default "::" (falling back to "localhost" if "::" isn't resolved by the underlying network stack)

  • :handler — the nREPL message handler to use for each incoming connection; defaults to the result of (nrepl.server/default-handler)

  • :middleware - a sequence of vars or string which can be resolved to vars, representing middleware you wish to mix in to the nREPL handler. Vars can resolve to a sequence of vars, in which case they'll be flattened into the list of middleware.

Starts a socket-based nREPL server. Accepts a map with the following keys:

* :port — defaults to 0, which autoselects an open port

* :bind — bind address, by default "::" (falling back to "localhost" if
  "::" isn't resolved by the underlying network stack)

* :handler — the nREPL message handler to use for each incoming connection;
  defaults to the result of `(nrepl.server/default-handler)`

* :middleware - a sequence of vars or string which can be resolved to vars,
  representing middleware you wish to mix in to the nREPL handler. Vars can
  resolve to a sequence of vars, in which case they'll be flattened into the
  list of middleware.
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