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Functionality to apply formatting to a given project.

Functionality to apply formatting to a given project.
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Functional hierarchical zipper, with navigation, editing, and enumeration. See Huet

Functional hierarchical zipper, with navigation, editing,
and enumeration.  See Huet
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Utilities for parsing and storing the current completion context.

Utilities for parsing and storing the current completion context.
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Core namespace. Most interactions with Compliment should happen through functions defined here.

Core namespace. Most interactions with Compliment should happen
through functions defined here.
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Tools for defining sources for the completion.

Tools for defining sources for the completion.
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Completion for keywords interned globally across the application

Completion for keywords interned globally across the application
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An implementation of the confluently persistent vector data structure introduced in Bagwell, Rompf, "RRB-Trees: Efficient Immutable Vectors", EPFL-REPORT-169879, September, 2011.

RRB-Trees build upon Clojure's PersistentVectors, adding logarithmic time concatenation and slicing.

The main API entry points are cider.inlined-deps.fipp.v0v6v13.corerrb-vector.v0v0v12.clojure.core.rrb-vector/catvec, performing vector concatenation, and cider.inlined-deps.fipp.v0v6v13.corerrb-vector.v0v0v12.clojure.core.rrb-vector/subvec, which produces a new vector containing the appropriate subrange of the input vector (in contrast to clojure.core/subvec, which returns a view on the input vector).

core.rrb-vector's vectors can store objects or unboxed primitives. The implementation allows for seamless interoperability with clojure.lang.PersistentVector, clojure.core.Vec (more commonly known as gvec) and clojure.lang.APersistentVector$SubVector instances: cider.inlined-deps.fipp.v0v6v13.corerrb-vector.v0v0v12.clojure.core.rrb-vector/catvec and cider.inlined-deps.fipp.v0v6v13.corerrb-vector.v0v0v12.clojure.core.rrb-vector/subvec convert their inputs to cider.inlined-deps.fipp.v0v6v13.corerrb-vector.v0v0v12.clojure.core.rrb-vector.rrbt.Vector instances whenever necessary (this is a very fast constant time operation for PersistentVector and gvec; for SubVector it is O(log n), where n is the size of the underlying vector).

cider.inlined-deps.fipp.v0v6v13.corerrb-vector.v0v0v12.clojure.core.rrb-vector also exports its own versions of vector and vector-of and vec which always produce cider.inlined-deps.fipp.v0v6v13.corerrb-vector.v0v0v12.clojure.core.rrb-vector.rrbt.Vector instances. Note that vector-of accepts :object as one of the possible type arguments, in addition to keywords naming primitive types.

An implementation of the confluently persistent vector data
structure introduced in Bagwell, Rompf, "RRB-Trees: Efficient
Immutable Vectors", EPFL-REPORT-169879, September, 2011.

RRB-Trees build upon Clojure's PersistentVectors, adding logarithmic
time concatenation and slicing.

The main API entry points are cider.inlined-deps.fipp.v0v6v13.corerrb-vector.v0v0v12.clojure.core.rrb-vector/catvec,
performing vector concatenation, and cider.inlined-deps.fipp.v0v6v13.corerrb-vector.v0v0v12.clojure.core.rrb-vector/subvec,
which produces a new vector containing the appropriate subrange of
the input vector (in contrast to clojure.core/subvec, which returns
a view on the input vector).

core.rrb-vector's vectors can store objects or unboxed primitives.
The implementation allows for seamless interoperability with
clojure.lang.PersistentVector, clojure.core.Vec (more commonly known
as gvec) and clojure.lang.APersistentVector$SubVector instances:
cider.inlined-deps.fipp.v0v6v13.corerrb-vector.v0v0v12.clojure.core.rrb-vector/catvec and cider.inlined-deps.fipp.v0v6v13.corerrb-vector.v0v0v12.clojure.core.rrb-vector/subvec
convert their inputs to cider.inlined-deps.fipp.v0v6v13.corerrb-vector.v0v0v12.clojure.core.rrb-vector.rrbt.Vector
instances whenever necessary (this is a very fast constant time
operation for PersistentVector and gvec; for SubVector it is O(log
n), where n is the size of the underlying vector).

cider.inlined-deps.fipp.v0v6v13.corerrb-vector.v0v0v12.clojure.core.rrb-vector also exports its own versions of vector and
vector-of and vec which always produce
cider.inlined-deps.fipp.v0v6v13.corerrb-vector.v0v0v12.clojure.core.rrb-vector.rrbt.Vector instances. Note that vector-of
accepts :object as one of the possible type arguments, in addition
to keywords naming primitive types.
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Provides a pretty document serializer and pprint fn for Clojure code. See cider.inlined-deps.fipp.v0v6v13.fipp.edn for pretty printing Clojure/EDN data structures

Provides a pretty document serializer and pprint fn for Clojure code.
See cider.inlined-deps.fipp.v0v6v13.fipp.edn for pretty printing Clojure/EDN data structures
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Double-sided queue built on rrb vectors.

Double-sided queue built on rrb vectors.
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Provides a pretty document serializer and pprint fn for Clojure/EDN forms. See cider.inlined-deps.fipp.v0v6v13.fipp.clojure for pretty printing Clojure code.

Provides a pretty document serializer and pprint fn for Clojure/EDN forms.
See cider.inlined-deps.fipp.v0v6v13.fipp.clojure for pretty printing Clojure code.
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See: Oleg Kiselyov, Simon Peyton-Jones, and Amr Sabry Lazy v. Yield: Incremental, Linear Pretty-printing

See: Oleg Kiselyov, Simon Peyton-Jones, and Amr Sabry
Lazy v. Yield: Incremental, Linear Pretty-printing
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Convert to and visit edn structures.

Convert to and visit edn structures.
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Provides default DynamicClasspath implementations for DynamicClassLoader and URLClassLoader.

Provides default DynamicClasspath implementations for DynamicClassLoader and URLClassLoader.
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Provides the implementation of the DynamicClasspath protocol.

Provides the implementation of the DynamicClasspath protocol.
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Abstracts the getURLs and addURL functionality of URLClassLoader to a protocol.

Abstracts the getURLs and addURL functionality of URLClassLoader to a protocol.
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Search symbols and docs matching a regular expression

Search symbols and docs matching a regular expression
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A simple wrapper around that is Boot-aware.

A simple wrapper around `` that is Boot-aware.
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No vars found in this namespace.


Some helper functions to support eldoc-like functionality in editors.

Some helper functions to support eldoc-like functionality
in editors.
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Clojure data structure inspection functionality. This code has a long history and at various points of time it lived in different projects. Originally it was part of swank-clojure, afterwards it was moved to javert, then forked to another project from which it was contributed to cider-nrepl. Finally cider-nrepl was split into two libraries and the code ended up here.

Pretty wild, right?

Clojure data structure inspection functionality.
This code has a long history and at various points of
time it lived in different projects. Originally
it was part of swank-clojure, afterwards it was moved to
javert, then forked to another project from which it
was contributed to cider-nrepl. Finally cider-nrepl
was split into two libraries and the code ended up here.

Pretty wild, right?
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Source and docstring info for Java classes and members

Source and docstring info for Java classes and members
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Query for namespaces and vars

Query for namespaces and vars
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A Clojure library for profiling.


(require '[cider.inlined-deps.profile.v0v5v2.profile.core :refer :all])
(defn my-add [a b] (+ a b))
(defn my-mult [a b] (* a b))

(profile-vars my-add my-mult)

(profile {}
 (my-add (my-mult (rand-int 100000) (rand-int 1000000))
         (my-mult (rand-int 100000) (rand-int 1000000))))

profile prints output to *err* using pprint/print-table; it looks like this:

|          :name | :n | :sum | :q1 | :med | :q3 | :sd | :mad |
|  #'user/my-add |  1 |  2µs | 2µs |  2µs | 2µs | 0µs |  0µs |
| #'user/my-mult |  2 | 11µs | 3µs |  8µs | 3µs | 3µs |  5µs |
A Clojure library for profiling.

## Example

(require '[cider.inlined-deps.profile.v0v5v2.profile.core :refer :all])
(defn my-add [a b] (+ a b))
(defn my-mult [a b] (* a b))

(profile-vars my-add my-mult)

(profile {}
 (my-add (my-mult (rand-int 100000) (rand-int 1000000))
         (my-mult (rand-int 100000) (rand-int 1000000))))

`profile` prints output to `*err*` using `pprint/print-table`; it
looks like this:

|          :name | :n | :sum | :q1 | :med | :q3 | :sd | :mad |
|  #'user/my-add |  1 |  2µs | 2µs |  2µs | 2µs | 0µs |  0µs |
| #'user/my-mult |  2 | 11µs | 3µs |  8µs | 3µs | 3µs |  5µs |
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This namespace provides a total-ordering comparator for Clojure values.

This namespace provides a total-ordering comparator for Clojure values.
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Coloring multimethods to format text by adding markup.

Color Options


When true, ouptut colored text from print functions.


  • :ansi for color terminal text (default)
  • :html-inline for inline-styled html
  • :html-classes for html with semantic classes


Map of syntax element keywords to color codes.

Coloring multimethods to format text by adding markup.

#### Color Options


When true, ouptut colored text from print functions.


- `:ansi` for color terminal text (default)
- `:html-inline` for inline-styled html
- `:html-classes` for html with semantic classes


Map of syntax element keywords to color codes.
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Coloring implementation that applies ANSI color codes to text designed to be output to a terminal.

Use with a :color-markup of :ansi.

Coloring implementation that applies ANSI color codes to text designed to be
output to a terminal.

Use with a `:color-markup` of `:ansi`.
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Coloring implementation that wraps text in HTML tags to apply color.

Supports the following modes for :color-markup:

  • :html-inline applies inline style attributes to the tags.
  • :html-classes adds semantic class attributes to the tags.
Coloring implementation that wraps text in HTML tags to apply color.

Supports the following modes for `:color-markup`:

- `:html-inline` applies inline `style` attributes to the tags.
- `:html-classes` adds semantic `class` attributes to the tags.
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Dispatch functions take a Class argument and return the looked-up value. This provides similar functionality to Clojure's protocols, but operates over locally-constructed logic rather than using a global dispatch table.

A simple example is a map from classes to values, which can be used directly as a lookup function.

Dispatch functions take a `Class` argument and return the looked-up value.
This provides similar functionality to Clojure's protocols, but operates over
locally-constructed logic rather than using a global dispatch table.

A simple example is a map from classes to values, which can be used directly
as a lookup function.
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Enhanced printing functions for rendering Clojure values. The following options are available to control the printer:

General Rendering


Number of characters to try to wrap pretty-printed forms at.


If true, metadata will be printed before values. Defaults to the value of *print-meta* if unset.

Collection Options


Print maps and sets with ordered keys. Defaults to true, which will sort all collections. If a number, counted collections will be sorted up to the set size. Otherwise, collections are not sorted before printing.


The text placed between key-value pairs in a map.


The text placed between a map key and a collection value. The keyword :line will cause line breaks if the whole map does not fit on a single line.


If set to a positive number, then lists will only render at most the first n elements. This can help prevent unintentional realization of infinite lazy sequences.

Color Options


When true, ouptut colored text from print functions.


:ansi for ANSI color text (the default), :html-inline for inline-styled html, :html-classes to use the names of the keys in the :color-scheme map as class names for spans so styling can be specified via CSS.


Map of syntax element keywords to color codes.

Type Handling


A lookup function which will return a rendering function for a given class type. This will be tried before the built-in type logic. See the cider.inlined-deps.puget.v1v0v2.puget.dispatch namespace for some helpful constructors. The returned function should accept the current printer and the value to be rendered, returning a format document.


Keyword argument specifying how to format unknown values. Puget supports a few different options:

  • :pretty renders values with the default colored representation.
  • :print defers to the standard print method by rendering unknown values using pr-str.
  • :error will throw an exception when types with no defined handler are encountered.
  • A function value will be called with the current printer options and the unknown value and is expected to return a formatting document representing it.
Enhanced printing functions for rendering Clojure values. The following
options are available to control the printer:

#### General Rendering


Number of characters to try to wrap pretty-printed forms at.


If true, metadata will be printed before values. Defaults to the value of
`*print-meta*` if unset.

#### Collection Options


Print maps and sets with ordered keys. Defaults to true, which will sort all
collections. If a number, counted collections will be sorted up to the set
size. Otherwise, collections are not sorted before printing.


The text placed between key-value pairs in a map.


The text placed between a map key and a collection value. The keyword :line
will cause line breaks if the whole map does not fit on a single line.


If set to a positive number, then lists will only render at most the first n
elements. This can help prevent unintentional realization of infinite lazy

#### Color Options


When true, ouptut colored text from print functions.


:ansi for ANSI color text (the default),
:html-inline for inline-styled html,
:html-classes to use the names of the keys in the :color-scheme map
as class names for spans so styling can be specified via CSS.


Map of syntax element keywords to color codes.

#### Type Handling


A lookup function which will return a rendering function for a given class
type. This will be tried before the built-in type logic. See the
`cider.inlined-deps.puget.v1v0v2.puget.dispatch` namespace for some helpful constructors. The returned
function should accept the current printer and the value to be rendered,
returning a format document.


Keyword argument specifying how to format unknown values. Puget supports a few
different options:

- `:pretty` renders values with the default colored representation.
- `:print` defers to the standard print method by rendering unknown values
  using `pr-str`.
- `:error` will throw an exception when types with no defined handler are
- A function value will be called with the current printer options and the
  unknown value and is expected to return a formatting document representing
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Track namespace dependencies and changes by monitoring file-modification timestamps

Track namespace dependencies and changes by monitoring
file-modification timestamps
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Refactoring tool to move a Clojure namespace from one name/file to another, and update all references to that namespace in your other Clojure source files.

WARNING: This code is ALPHA and subject to change. It also modifies and deletes your source files! Make sure you have a backup or version control.

Refactoring tool to move a Clojure namespace from one name/file to
another, and update all references to that namespace in your other
Clojure source files.

WARNING: This code is ALPHA and subject to change. It also modifies
and deletes your source files! Make sure you have a backup or
version control.
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Parse Clojure namespace (ns) declarations and extract dependencies.

Parse Clojure namespace (ns) declarations and extract
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Force reloading namespaces on demand or through a dependency tracker

Force reloading namespaces on demand or through a
dependency tracker
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Dependency tracker which can compute which namespaces need to be reloaded after files have changed. This is the low-level implementation that requires you to find the namespace dependencies yourself: most uses will interact with the wrappers in and or the public API in

Dependency tracker which can compute which namespaces need to be
reloaded after files have changed. This is the low-level
implementation that requires you to find the namespace dependencies
yourself: most uses will interact with the wrappers in and or the
public API in
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This file defines simple tracing macros to help you see what your code is doing.

This file defines simple tracing macros to help you see what your code is doing.
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cljdoc is a website building & hosting documentation for Clojure/Script libraries

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