Capture, debug, inspect and view log events emitted by Java logging frameworks.
Capture, debug, inspect and view log events emitted by Java logging frameworks.
(add-appender-reply msg)
Add an appender to a log framework.
Add an appender to a log framework.
(add-consumer-reply {:keys [consumer filters] :as msg})
Add a consumer to an appender of a log framework.
Add a consumer to an appender of a log framework.
(clear-appender-reply msg)
Clear all events of a log appender.
Clear all events of a log appender.
(exceptions-reply msg)
Return the exceptions and their frequencies for the given framework and appender.
Return the exceptions and their frequencies for the given framework and appender.
(format-event-reply {:keys [:nrepl.middleware.print/print-fn] :as msg})
Format a log event.
Format a log event.
(frameworks-reply {:keys [session]})
Return the available log frameworks.
Return the available log frameworks.
(handle-log handler {:keys [session] :as msg})
Handle nREPL log operations.
Handle nREPL log operations.
(inspect-event-reply msg)
Inspect a log event.
Inspect a log event.
(levels-reply msg)
Return the log levels and their frequencies for the given framework and appender.
Return the log levels and their frequencies for the given framework and appender.
(loggers-reply msg)
Return the loggers and their frequencies for the given framework and appender.
Return the loggers and their frequencies for the given framework and appender.
(remove-appender-reply msg)
Remove an appender from a log framework.
Remove an appender from a log framework.
(remove-consumer-reply msg)
Remove a consumer from the appender of a log framework.
Remove a consumer from the appender of a log framework.
(search-reply msg)
Search the log events of an appender.
Search the log events of an appender.
(swap-framework! msg f & args)
Swap the framework bound in the session by applying f
with args
Swap the framework bound in the session by applying `f` with `args`.
(threads-reply msg)
Return the threads and their frequencies for the given framework and appender.
Return the threads and their frequencies for the given framework and appender.
(update-appender-reply msg)
Update the appender of a log framework.
Update the appender of a log framework.
(update-consumer-reply msg)
Update the consumer of a log appender.
Update the consumer of a log appender.
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