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Capture, debug, inspect and view log events emitted by Java logging frameworks.

Capture, debug, inspect and view log events emitted by Java logging frameworks.
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(add-appender-reply msg)

Add an appender to a log framework.

Add an appender to a log framework.
sourceraw docstring


(add-consumer-reply {:keys [consumer filters] :as msg})

Add a consumer to an appender of a log framework.

Add a consumer to an appender of a log framework.
sourceraw docstring


(clear-appender-reply msg)

Clear all events of a log appender.

Clear all events of a log appender.
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(exceptions-reply msg)

Return the exceptions and their frequencies for the given framework and appender.

Return the exceptions and their frequencies for the given framework and appender.
sourceraw docstring


(format-event-reply {:keys [:nrepl.middleware.print/print-fn] :as msg})

Format a log event.

Format a log event.
sourceraw docstring


(frameworks-reply {:keys [session]})

Return the available log frameworks.

Return the available log frameworks.
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(handle-log handler {:keys [session] :as msg})

Handle nREPL log operations.

Handle nREPL log operations.
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(inspect-event-reply msg)

Inspect a log event.

Inspect a log event.
sourceraw docstring


(levels-reply msg)

Return the log levels and their frequencies for the given framework and appender.

Return the log levels and their frequencies for the given framework and appender.
sourceraw docstring


(loggers-reply msg)

Return the loggers and their frequencies for the given framework and appender.

Return the loggers and their frequencies for the given framework and appender.
sourceraw docstring


(remove-appender-reply msg)

Remove an appender from a log framework.

Remove an appender from a log framework.
sourceraw docstring


(remove-consumer-reply msg)

Remove a consumer from the appender of a log framework.

Remove a consumer from the appender of a log framework.
sourceraw docstring


(search-reply msg)

Search the log events of an appender.

Search the log events of an appender.
sourceraw docstring


(swap-framework! msg f & args)

Swap the framework bound in the session by applying f with args.

Swap the framework bound in the session by applying `f` with `args`.
sourceraw docstring


(threads-reply msg)

Return the threads and their frequencies for the given framework and appender.

Return the threads and their frequencies for the given framework and appender.
sourceraw docstring


(update-appender-reply msg)

Update the appender of a log framework.

Update the appender of a log framework.
sourceraw docstring


(update-consumer-reply msg)

Update the consumer of a log appender.

Update the consumer of a log appender.
sourceraw docstring

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