Utilities to safely reply to op requests and help deal with the errors/exceptions that might arise from doing so.
Utilities to safely reply to op requests and help deal with the errors/exceptions that might arise from doing so.
(base-error-response msg ex & statuses)
Takes a CIDER-nREPL message as msg
, an Exception ex
, and a
non-collection vararg of statuses
. This will return the standard
response for CIDER-nREPL sync-op errors that can be rendered by
CIDER's stacktrace viewer. N.B., statuses such as :done
are NOT automatically added
Takes a CIDER-nREPL message as `msg`, an Exception `ex`, and a non-collection vararg of `statuses`. This will return the standard response for CIDER-nREPL sync-op errors that can be rendered by CIDER's stacktrace viewer. N.B., statuses such as `:done` and `:<op-name>-error` are NOT automatically added
(eval-interceptor-transport {:keys [transport] :as msg}
Return a transport that wraps the transport in msg
and intercepts the
coming out of it as well as any raised exceptions. Exceptions are
propagated as errors in the inspector middleware (specified by
), so that the client CIDER code properly renders them instead
of silently ignoring. reply-fn
is invoked on the message and the :value
when it arrives.
Return a transport that wraps the transport in `msg` and intercepts the `:value` coming out of it as well as any raised exceptions. Exceptions are propagated as errors in the inspector middleware (specified by `error-statuses`), so that the client CIDER code properly renders them instead of silently ignoring. `reply-fn` is invoked on the message and the `:value` when it arrives.
(with-safe-transport handler msg & pairings)
This will safely handle all the transport calls mapped out in the
functions. All checked exceptions will be caught,
analyzed by the cider.nrepl.middleware.stacktrace
middleware, and an error
message will be returned to the client with a stacktrace renderable by the
default CIDER stacktrace viewer. Takes the default pass-through handler
current msg
and a list of pairings between op names and actions used to
process the ops as varargs. Actions can either be expressed as a 2-item vector
with the head being the op-action and the tail being the error-action, or if
the default error handler is sufficient, then the op name can be paired
directly to the op-action.
Actions can be functions, maps, non-associate collections, and single items
such as kw's, strings, numbers, etc. The utilization of each type is discussed
above in the selector
This will safely handle all the transport calls mapped out in the `handle-<middleware>` functions. All checked exceptions will be caught, analyzed by the `cider.nrepl.middleware.stacktrace` middleware, and an error message will be returned to the client with a stacktrace renderable by the default CIDER stacktrace viewer. Takes the default pass-through `handler` current `msg` and a list of pairings between op names and actions used to process the ops as varargs. Actions can either be expressed as a 2-item vector with the head being the op-action and the tail being the error-action, or if the default error handler is sufficient, then the op name can be paired directly to the op-action. Actions can be functions, maps, non-associate collections, and single items such as kw's, strings, numbers, etc. The utilization of each type is discussed above in the `selector` method.
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